7 years ago
Relax one baby if growing and cross pond to your week of growth, don't worry but you are taking both trenexa and ecosporin, so slight bleeding also due to this medicine. ...read full answer
female • 26 Year Old • May 16, 2017 • Chennai
Hi, Me and my partner had unprotected sex on the 17th day of her cycle. Although, there was no proper penetration and the ejaculation happened outside her vagina. We als ...read more
7 years ago
Failure rate is there, may be unrupured follicle, causes spotting, wait, if no normal bleeding upt usg advised.
female • May 14, 2017 • Bangalore
How to use unwanted kit with 5 tablets I am got positive result of my pregnancy result pls suggest me what to do but I do not want to be pregnant I want to abort it.
7 years ago
Kindly consult local obg doctor, never prescribe by own becuase past medical & surgical & other his also needed.
Male • 21 Year Old • May 14, 2017 • Delhi
Hi, Me and my gf done unprotected sex and my semen was ejaculated into her and within one hour she take I pill tablet so how do we confirm is she got pregnant or not. He ...read more
7 years ago
Kindly consult your doctor, in spite of taking I-pill, there may be a 1% chance she may be pregnant.