Dr. Rajesh Jain
Only Online Consultation (mHealth)
Personal Statement
I want all my patients to be informed and knowledgeable about their health care, from treatment plans and services, to insurance coverage...read more
Doctor Information
- Psychiatrist
Other treatment areas
- Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist
- Geriatric Psychiatrist
- Forensic Psychiatrist
- Neurodevelopmental Disability Specialist
- CCT (UK) General Psychiatry , PMETB , 2004
- MD-Psychiatry , Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi. , 2000
- MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery , SMS Medical College, Jaipur , 1995
Past Experience
- Consultant psychiatrist at NHS UK
Languages spoken
- Hindi
- English
- Punjabi
Professional Memberships
- British Medical Association: 7029242
- Life Member Indian Psychiatric Society
- Indian Association of Private Psychiatry
Clinic Location
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Question and Answers
Radha Krishna
male • Aug 18, 2020 • Hyderabad
I am 45 years old having depression since last 15 years. Currently I use lamitor 200 mg and paroxetine 25 mg. After lamitor introduced good improvement in depression. I ...read more
Rajesh Jain
4 years ago
Thanks for your query. Problem of rbd increases becaseu withdrawal from ssri. Clonazepam migh help in rbd briefly but you need a comprehensive assessment.
Mahesh Lakhmani
male • 61 Year Old • Aug 12, 2020 • Lucknow
Qus. Nervousness and fear getting outside home since I met with an accident 30 years ago. Kindly help me get a permanent relief. List of medicines I take: 1) venla xr 37 ...read more
Rajesh Jain
4 years ago
Dose of venlafaxine is very less and it needs to be increased. Once you are on higher dose of venlafaxine then olanzapine can be stopped. You require a detailed assessme ...read full answer
Anuj Kumar Roy
male • 21 Year Old • Feb 24, 2019 • Kolkata
I am using anti depressant i.e sertraline since 2 years although my depression is cured but now when I do not eat that medicine for 1 day then I get electric shock waves ...read more
Rajesh Jain
6 years ago
You might be getting withdrawal symptoms by suddenly stopping it. Try to slowly reduce the dose slowly and then stop it but if symptoms of anxiety and depression comes b ...read full answer
Health Tips
छात्रों और कामकाजी पेशेवरों के लिए 12 प्रभावी समय प्रबंधन युक्तियाँ
किसी बड़े बुज़ुर्गों ने कहा है कि समय की कद्र करो क्योंकि उससे मूल्यवान कुछ नहीं।ये बात ऐसे ही नहीं कही गई। हर किसी के लिए समय बहुत कीमती है।फिर चाहे वो बच्चा हो.बड़ा या फिर बूढ़ा। ऐसे में समय को बर्बाद करने के बजाय उसका सही प्रबंधन करना सीखने में......read more
Struggling Getting Out Of Bed In Morning - Can It Be Sign Of Something Serious!
If you've been struggling to get out of bed in the morning, then you're certainly not alone. As the mornings get darker, leaving the comfort and warmth of the duvet is far from an appealing prospect. While you've probably been attributing your rel......read more