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Health Benefits of Rutabaga, Uses And Its Side Effects

Last Updated: Aug 24, 2020

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A hybrid vegetable made up of a cross between a turnip and cabbage and member of the Brassica family, Rutabaga. Different from a turnip in terms of nutrition and flavors,. Let check out rutabaga health benefits and nutrition facts. It improves your digestive power and boosts your immunity. Eat Rutabaga to maintain blood pressure and cholesterol level. Enzymes present in rutabaga good for bone strength and good for the weight management plan.


Rutabaga is known by several different names. Rutabaga is a more commonly used North American name. The rutabaga is more of a root vegetable, which is a cross between a cabbage and a turnip. While the roots of this plant are meant for human consumption and prepared in a number of ways, the leaves can also be put to use as feed for livestock.

The vegetable is primarily winter food and is popular in a large number of countries. You can add rutabaga to casseroles, soups, pastries or as an addition to other meals and gravies. It can be eaten together with other accompaniments, as a whole meal or can be eaten as a side dish.

Nutritional Value of Rutabaga

Rutabaga is known to contain high amounts of beta-carotene. Rutabaga is also a rich source of potassium, manganese, calcium and magnesium. It also contains high amounts of fiber, vitamin B6 and thiamine, required for the smooth functioning of the body systems.

Rutabaga also contains Vitamins E,K and C in sufficient amounts along with iron and zinc content. Rutabagas also provide carotenoids. The vegetable is known to provide a number of health benefits, while also effectively treating a number of diseases.

Nutritional facts Per 100 Grams

0.2 g
Total Fat
12 mg
305 mg
9 g
Total Carbohydrate
1.1 g

Vitamins and Minerals

41 %
Vitamin C
2 %
5 %
Vitamin B-6
5 %

Health Benefits of Rutabaga

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After getting rutabaga nutritional info, rutabaga added in various ketogenic diet due to low carbs properties. Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Rutabaga. Also, check outside effects of rutabaga and cultivation details of this hybrid vegetable.

Helps to Prevent Cancer

The composition of Rutabaga involves a diverse range of antioxidants, that promotes healthy cell functioning and acts as a preventive measure against cancer cells.

Rutabaga contains glucosinolates, which is known to effectively combat tumors and other malignant growth in the body. It also helps to reduce and prevent any toxic effect of free radicals in the body.

Rutabaga Delays the Process of Ageing

Rutabaga helps in the generation of healthy cells, thereby slowing down the process of ageing. It also helps to maintain good eyesight.

Rutabaga Aids Digestion

The high amounts of fibers helps to regularize bowel movements. The nutrients in Rutabaga also helps to improve the metabolism of the body. Rutabaga is also known to prevent constipation and other gastrointestinal distress in the body. It is a low-calorie vegetable that is rich in essential nutrients. The consumption of this vegetable promotes weight loss.

Rutabaga Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Rutabaga contains large amounts of potassium, which is essential in preventing unnecessary contraction and blockage of the blood vessels, that can lead to a stroke. It increases oxygen supply in the vital organs that can maintain proper fuctioning of the body system. Potassium also helps to reduce cholesterol levels. It can therefore prevent heart attacks, atheroscleresis or thrombosis.

Rutabaga Prevents Osteoporosis and Bone Weakness

Rutabaga is known to be rich in the minerals zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. These minerals play a major role in the maintenence and strengthening of bones. They also help in the creation of bone tissue, eventually preventing wearing away of the bones, especially in middle aged and older people.

Rutabaga Good for Diabetics

Rutabagas are alternatives to potatoes, especially for diabetic patients who would like to avoid the carbs. Therefore this vegetable can be eaten without worrying about fluctuating sugar level in the blood.

Rutabagas Good for Weight Loss

Rutabagas do not contain high calories, empty calories or high amounts of carbohydrates. It is rich in fibers that prevents overeating, regularises the bowel movements and keeps the stomach full for a longer period of time.

Rutabaga Promotes Proper Enzymatic Function

Zinc is of utmost necessity for the regulation of proper enzymatic functions in the body. Without the proper enzymatic functions, our vital organs would eventually become ineffecient. Rutabaga is known to contain high amounts of zinc and is therefore an important part of our diet.

Rutabaga Boosts Your Immune System

Rutabaga is known to strengthen the immune system of the body, thereby preventing diseases and infections to a large extent.

Rutabaga Helps to Improve Eyesight

Rutabaga, being rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins helps to improve weakening eyesight due to age or other factors.

Rutabaga Helps to Reduce Colorectal Cancer

Rutabaga is rich in antioxidants and reduces the harmful effects of free radicals by promoting healthy cell division. Therefore, it helps to prevent the growth of malignant cells and tumours in the body.

Rutabaga Helps to Promote Production of Red Blood Cells

Abundance of Vitamin B9, or folate in rutabaga promotes breakdown of protein cells, that helps in the production of red blood cells and cell division. These are also necessary for the development of the nervous system.

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Uses of Rutabaga

Rutabaga contains abundant nutrients, minerals that are necessary for the smooth functioning of the body systems.Rutabaga is used to treat a number of diseases and deficiencies. It can alternately be used as nutritious feed for the livestock, especially in winter.


Side-Effects & Allergies of Rutabaga

As of now, there are no known side effects or allergies caused by the consumption of Rutabaga. However, in case of any sign of an allergy such as skin rashes, inflammation, watering eyes itch, it is best to consult the doctor as soon as possible.

However, due to a high content of raffinose, which is a complex sugar, there may be chances of certain abdominal discomforts like bloating, gastric pain etc.

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Cultivation of Rutabaga

Rutabaga is a root vegetable, commonly called 'swede' in most parts of the world. In North America, however, it goes by the name Rutabaga. It is a cross between a turnip and a cabbage, and can be cooked in several ways.

The roots and tops of rutabaga vegetable which are usually discarded during cooking, can be fed as winter feed to the cattle. It is also known to be a popular forage crop at one time. Rutabaga is known by different names in different parts of the world.


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    Content Details
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    Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
    Reviewed By
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    Reviewed ByDt. Ms. Shilpa MarwahB.Sc (Home Science), Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health NutritionDietitian/Nutritionist

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