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Health Benefits of Eggs And Its Side Effects

Last Updated: Sep 18, 2020

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Eggs are a good source of superior quality protein. More than half the proteins of an egg are found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are a rich source of minerals like Zinc, Copper, and Iron. The egg whites are rich in selenium, Vitamins B6, B12, and Vitamin D that are essential for the healthy growth and sustenance of the human body.

Numerous health benefits offered by eggs, let's check out some important benefits of eating raw eggs and boiled eggs. As the market is flooded with a variety of eggs and based on different cuisines and food habits. The eggs derived from the hen are commonly found in all cuisines; while there is gourmet like the goose eggs, quail eggs, fish eggs, and the duck eggs.

Eggs Benefits

Since time immemorial, people have been domesticating broods of the hen. And it is not surprising to find that people who have domesticated poultry have invariably nourished themselves with the great benefits of eggs. It is said that the wild jungle fowls were first domesticated during the early 3200 BC in East India.

It started with eating the fowl since the eggs were saved to hatch and keep the cycle of fowls in supply. Gradually and eventually people started to eat the eggs while they relished the taste. In the Chinese culture, a fowl knew the essence of Time, and therefore they depended on the early morning call of the Rooster.

Nutritional Value of Eggs

The humble egg depicts several impressive health benefits. Proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are present in the yolk and the white of an egg. The yolk of egg contains fat-soluble vitamins, cholesterol, and essential fatty acids.

The egg white contains more than half of the protein of a complete egg. The protein along with vitamin B2 helps in the growth and development of the human body. Research indicates that by consuming one egg daily for about six months, young children grow optimally tall.

Nutritional facts Per 100 grams in Egg

11 g
Total Fat
124 mg
126 mg
1.1 g
Total Carbohydrate
13 g

Vitamins and Minerals in Egg

10 %
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
6 %
5 %
Vitamin B-6
2 %

Health Benefits of Eggs Benefits

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Mentioned below are the best health benefits of eating eggs. Since different animals produce eggs and each one is different in size, shape, and nutritional benefits. You can make hundreds of dishes with the egg or even you can consume raw egg. Since it is good for protein and helps in weight management easily and add to your breakfast diet.

Eggs for cholesterol patients

A few years ago, eggs were associated with cholesterol. People with high cholesterol levels were usually recommended to refrain from consuming eggs. However, recent research indicates that the cholesterol content for which eggs were disparaged, is much lower than what it used to be a few years back.

A medium egg contains about 100mg of cholesterol; where as one third of the 300mg is recommended as a daily limit. It is the saturated fat contained in the diet and not the dietary cholesterol that can influence the blood cholesterol levels.

Eggs have Zero Carbs and Nil Sugar

Carbohydrates and sugar are the most dangerous substances for the human body as; they top the list in bringing dreaded diseases and health issues among people. While we talk about eggs, these contain neither carbohydrate nor does it have any sugar content in it.

Eggs filled with Amino Acids

The basic building blocks of proteins are called Amino acids. With consumption of protein-rich foods like milk and eggs, these amino acids are made available for use to your body at the cellular-level. Most researchers claim that 10 to 35 percent of the daily calories come from proteins.

In Egg nutritional benefits list it contain 9 essential amino acids, namely Isoleucine, Iycine, Histidine, Valine, Methionine, threonine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan and. Leucine. They also contain some non-essential amino acids like Aspartic, Glutamic, and Alanine.

Choline content in Eggs

Choline in human body promotes optimal liver functioning, normal cell activity, and efficient transportation of nutrients throughout the body. Eggs are rich in choline, which acts as a conveyor belt for vitamins and minerals in the body.

Egg Free from Gluten

Eggs are naturally gluten-free and so you can safely eat a gluten-free breakfast, daily. You can make gluten free egg rolls recepies which are popular among peoples.

Egg for helathy bones, heart and eyes

Eggs are great source of zinc and calcium that are responsible for maintaining healthy bones.

Adding boiled eggs in your daily diet adds to good fats for your body. This helps in keeping a healthy heart. Eggs are packed with important vitamins they also help to protect your eyes and keep your bones strong

Egg fights againes allergies

Quail eggs are treated as a delicacy in several parts of the world. But, they should be consumed daily because they offer high nutritional value. Quail eggs contain Ovomucoid protein that helps to eradicate allergies. In comparison to a henтАЩs egg, quail eggs are richer by 140% of Vitamin B1.

Eggs Fights against Cancer

Being a brain stimulator, quail eggs have elements like carcinogenic that stop the growth of different types of Cancer. Quail eggs heal stomach ulcers and are extremely crucial for combating digestive tracts disorders People suffering from diseases like bronchial asthma and tuberculosis are advised to consume Quail eggs, daily. Children too can be given quail eggs, help curtail common infections.

Egg for Skin and Hair care

Be it henтАЩs eggs or quail eggs, eggs, in general, can improve the texture, quality, and strength of hair. They also make the skin firmer and beautiful. Subsequently, we often see that most of the hair care products have egg as one of the ingredients. And the same holds true for the skin care products like the egg facial masks and other beauty products.

Egg white and yolk are good for oily or greasy skin, after apply an egg face mask, they create a protective layer which helps your face skin from harmful UV rays and sunburns.

Eggs Fights the silent killer Anemia

Anemia or the low hemoglobin level in the body results in low concentration level, hair fall, tiredness and excessive pain during menstrual bleeding.

Quail eggs increase the levels of hemoglobin in the human body and fights anemia. The eggs clean and remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are usually recommended to regularize the intake of eggs because they run a high risk of becoming anemic during pregnancy or feeding their baby.

Eggs Prevents Osteoporosis and Rickets

Women are more prone to issues like thinning of their bones or reduction in their bone density. Studies indicate that by combining a protein with a snack, such as pretzels with a hard-boiled egg not only promotes healthy bones but also maintains optimal blood sugar level.

Curbs Macular Degeneration

Eggs are known to act as an iron supplement because it is packed with saturated fats along with vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and a good amount of iron. The carotenoids reduce the risk of macular degeneration which is usually caused in old age. This further causes blindness in older adults. It is known to be a powerhouse full of nutrients like Zeaxanthin and Lutein that fight diseases.

Uses of Eggs

Eggs are used in desserts that add taste to the food items, such as, the Eggnog that is made with fresh, raw eggs blended with milk, vanilla and ice. Eggs are used in pancakes that are served with different sauces to make the cuisine healthy and tasty. Pastries are no longer considered delicious without the use of eggs.

Eggs can be an all-time favorite food for people of all ethnicities and food habits, as the vegetarians are slowly opting to be eggitarians for greater health benefits.


Side-Effects & Allergies of Eggs

High Risk of Salmonella: Eggs may cause food poisoning due to the presence of a bacteria called Salmonella. They could be present even in those eggs which seem to be clean with un-cracked shells.

  1. Allergies: Some body types are prone to allergies, flatulence or nausea due to the consumption of eggs.
  2. Biotin Depletion: Eggs contain the essential Vitamin H or Biotin responsible for health skin, muscles and hair. Biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, lack of muscle tone, cramp and pain in muscles.
  3. Raw albumin contains protein called avidin. This substance easily depletes biotin from your body, so if you eat raw eggs then you may suffer from biotin deficiency, and will result in health problems.
  4. Protein Overload: Doctors suggest that consuming high protein diet is fatal for patients suffering from kidney illness. The high value of egg protein can several damage the capability of kidneys to filter toxins from the blood. This would lead to ammonia overload in the blood and may cause death.

Origin And Cultivation of Eggs

Eggs are laid by female animals of species like birds, reptiles, mammals and fish. Reptile and bird eggs have protective eggshell, egg white and egg yolk inside the thin membrane. Humans are taking eggs for thousands of years and mostly, chicken eggs are preferred widely.

Over the past decade, major growth has been seen in the egg industry. The major egg-producing countries are China, the US, India, Mexico, Japan, Russia and Brazil. Eggs are usually candled to check their quality at the time of production.

The size of the egg air cell is determined and inspection also disclosed whether the egg was fertilized and thus has an embryo. Due to local regulations, eggs may be washed before inserting in the boxes or trays washing may shorten the length of freshness of eggs.


  • Kovacs-Nolan J, Phillips M, Mine Y. Advances in the value of eggs and egg components for human health. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2005 Nov 2;53(22):8421-31. [Cited 26 June 2019]. Available from:
  • Stadelman WJ. The incredibly functional egg. Poultry Science. 1999 Jun 1;78(6):807-11. [Cited 26 June 2019]. Available from:
  • Miranda J, Anton X, Redondo-Valbuena C, Roca-Saavedra P, Rodriguez J, Lamas A, Franco C, Cepeda A. Egg and egg-derived foods: effects on human health and use as functional foods. Nutrients. 2015;7(1):706-29. [Cited 26 June 2019]. Available from:

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    Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
    Reviewed By
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    Reviewed ByDt. Ms. Shilpa MarwahB.Sc (Home Science), Post Graduation Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health NutritionDietitian/Nutritionist

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