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Nephrostomy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Cost

Last Updated: Jul 04, 2023

What is Nephrostomy?

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A nephrostomy is a type of medical operation that requires inserting a tube into the kidney via the skin in order to perform the surgery. A nephrostomy tube is a tube that may be used to inject contrast dye for imaging tests or to drain urine from a kidney. Nephrostomy tubes also have other uses.

Types of Nephrostomy

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  • Percutaneous Nephrostomy: This procedure involves making a small incision in the skin and passing a tube, called a nephrostomy tube, into the urinary tract. After that, the tube is linked to a drainage bag, which is used to collect urine that is produced by the kidney itself.
  • Ureteral Stent Placement: During this surgery, a stent is inserted into the ureter in order to enhance the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. This allows for better drainage. Endoscopic placement of the stent is an option, however it is also possible to do the procedure through an open surgical incision.
  • Laparoscopic Nephrostomy: This procedure involves making several small incisions in the abdomen and inserting laparoscopic instruments into the area around the kidney. A small tube is then passed through these instruments and into the urinary tract, where it is connected to a drainage bag outside of the body.
  • Open Nephrostomy: In this procedure, an incision is made directly over one or both kidneys and a nephrostomy tube is inserted directly into them. The tube is then connected to a drainage bag outside of your body for collection of urine from inside your kidneys.

Benefits of Nephrostomy

The benefits of nephrostomy include:

  • Improved drainage of urine from the kidney: Nephrostomy allows for improved drainage of urine from the kidney, improving urinary symptoms such as pain, burning, and frequent urination.
  • Reduced risk of infection: Nephrostomy reduces the risk of infection by bypassing the bladder and allowing direct access to the kidneys.
  • Faster recovery time: Nephrostomy can reduce recovery time after a procedure, such as a nephrectomy or cystoscopy, because it allows for quicker healing and less chance of infection in the area.
  • Improved quality of life: By relieving symptoms associated with urinary problems, nephrostomy can improve quality of life by providing greater comfort and mobility.

Why is Nephrostomy done?

Nephrostomy is typically done when other treatments are not effective in treating the cause of blockage in the urinary tract.

Nephrostomy can be done to treat conditions such as kidney stones, cancer of the urinary tract, infection, or blocked ureters (the tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder).

It is also possible to do the procedure as part of reconstructive surgery.


What are the risks of Nephrostomy?

The risks associated with a nephrostomy procedure include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Damage to surrounding tissues or organs.
  • Reactions to drugs or materials that were utilised during the treatment can cause allergies.
  • Blood clots in the urinary tract or kidneys.
  • Injury to surrounding nerves and blood vessels.
  • Pain and discomfort at the site of insertion.

How do I prepare for Nephrostomy?

  • Before having a nephrostomy procedure, your doctor will discuss the details of the procedure and answer any questions you may have.
  • You should also be sure to follow any directions given to you by your doctor regarding how to prepare for the surgery. For example, your doctor may tell you to abstain from food and drink for the eight hours leading up to the treatment or to avoid taking specific drugs.
  • Additionally, you should arrange for someone to take you home afterwards as you may feel weak and dizzy after the procedure.
  • Lastly, it is important to dress comfortably and wear loose-fitting clothes on the day of your nephrostomy.

How is Nephrostomy done?

It is typically used when there is a blockage or obstruction in the urinary tract, such as from stones or tumours. The tube may be left in place for several days or weeks, allowing the obstruction to be treated with medications and/or further surgery.

Steps to perform Before the procedure

  • The patient should be informed about the procedure and its risks and benefits.
  • Blood tests and other pre-operative tests must be completed in accordance with the instructions given by the doctor.
  • An intravenous (IV) line may need to be inserted into a vein in the arm or hand for administering medications or fluids during the procedure, if required by the doctor.
  • The area of insertion needs to be shaved and cleaned with antiseptic solution prior to insertion of nephrostomy tube.
  • The patient needs to empty his/her bladder before inserting a nephrostomy tube.

Steps to perform During the procedure

  • You will be asked to lie on your stomach on an X-ray table and a local anaesthetic will be injected into your back in order to numb it.
  • Your doctor will then make a small incision in your back near one of your kidneys and insert a hollow tube called a nephrostomy tube through it into the kidney.
  • The nephrostomy tube is connected to a drainage bag that collects urine from inside the kidney and drains it out of your body.
  • Once in place, X-rays may be taken to check that everything is in place correctly before closing up the incision with stitches or staples.

Steps of perform After the procedure

  • You may experience some pain or discomfort at first but this should subside over time as you heal from surgery.
  • Keep a close look out for any indicators of infection, such as fever, redness or swelling around the incision site, increased discomfort, and so on, and get in touch with your healthcare professional if any of these symptoms manifest themselves.
  • Follow instructions from your healthcare provider regarding care of the incision site (e.g., keep dry, change dressings).
  • Empty and clean drainage bag regularly following instructions provided by healthcare provider or manufacturer’s instructions for use (if available).
  • Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract system (e.g., water, cranberry juice).

How much does Nephrostomy cost in India?

The cost of a Nephrostomy procedure in India can vary depending on the type of procedure, hospital, and other factors. Generally, the cost of a Nephrostomy procedure in India can range from approximately Rs 30,000 to Rs 1.5 lakhs.

What to eat after Nephrostomy?

  • Consume a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats by eating a variety of these foods in ample amounts.
  • Steer clear of foods that are heavy in salt, as well as those that are high in saturated fat and added sugar.
  • Consume a lot of water to avoid being dehydrated and to aid in the process of flushing toxins out of your body.
  • Make sure to choose meals that are simple for your body to break down, such as mashed potatoes, cooked veggies, and soups.
  • Include fibre-rich foods in your diet such as oatmeal and whole grain breads to help keep your digestive system running smoothly.
  • Avoid spicy or acidic foods which can irritate the bladder or cause discomfort after the procedure is complete.
  • Avoid caffeine as it can irritate the bladder and increase the risk of infection after a nephrostomy procedure is complete.

Is Nephrostomy safe?

Yes, nephrostomy is generally safe. The likelihood of developing an infection or experiencing any other kind of problem as a result of this surgery is extremely minimal.

In addition, a significant number of individuals who have undergone nephrostomies report significant enhancements in both their quality of life and their capacity to control their symptoms.

Is Nephrostomy painful?

The extent of pain associated with Nephrostomy depends on the type of procedure employed and whether local anaesthesia is used. Generally, most patients report experiencing some discomfort and/or pain during and after the Nephrostomy procedure, especially if it is an open procedure. However, this discomfort should subside after a few days when the site has healed.

Additionally, some patients may experience mild to moderate pain in the area for several weeks following the surgery due to swelling and inflammation.

How long does it take to recover from Nephrostomy?

The recovery process after a Nephrostomy typically takes 6 to 8 weeks. During this period, it is essential to carefully adhere to all of your doctor's instructions about care as well as any activity limitations.Other factors, such as age, health status, and overall condition can affect how quickly you heal from a Nephrostomy.

What are the side effects of Nephrostomy?

The following are some of the common adverse consequences of nephrostomy:

  • Pain or discomfort at the insertion site.
  • Swelling and bruising around the insertion site.
  • Continual bleeding at the place of insertion.
  • Infection at the place where the catheter was inserted.
  • Leakage of urine from the stoma (the opening in your skin).
  • Clotting of the blood that can occur in the pelvic region or the urinary tract.Alterations in urination, including but not limited to increased frequency, difficulties beginning to pee, and a weak stream of urine

Nephrostomy Aftercare

It is essential to guarantee a healthy recovery following a nephrostomy by following the recommended aftercare procedures. These stages are as follows:

  • Follow all instructions given by your doctor and/or nurse, such as taking any prescribed medications, performing any necessary incision care and avoiding strenuous activities.
  • Monitor your urine output and watch for signs of infection or bleeding.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out the waste products that have been removed through the nephrostomy catheter, as well as to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Maintain good hygiene at the site of insertion by keeping it dry and clean at all times.
  • Call your doctor if you experience any pain, swelling, redness or drainage from the area around the catheter or if you have any other concerns about your recovery process or overall health.


Nephrostomy can be a therapeutic option that is both safe and successful for patients who are afflicted with specific diseases or ailments that are associated with the kidneys. It makes it possible for waste fluids to be drained, which in turn helps to relieve the strain that is placed on the kidneys and improves how well they work.

Additionally, it can also be used to help diagnose and treat infections, blockages, or other problems. While Nephrostomy is generally safe when performed by an experienced medical professional, there are potential risks and side effects that should be discussed with a doctor before undergoing the procedure.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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