Poddar Nursing Home
Multi-speciality Clinic (General Surgeon, Orthopedic Doctor & more)
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I am Dr. Neha Poddar. I am a gynecologist and Laparoscopic surgeon. I am here to talk about polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder, which occurs in a woman of reproductive age group. It is increasingly common nowadays in all women. And usually, we experience that 50% of the women come with the PCOS these days. It usually starts at the time of childbearing age. But it can appear later in life in response to obesity, excessive weight gain. Women with PCOS usually experience delayed periods, women come with the delayed menstrual cycle and on ultrasound, we see multiple small sights in both the ovaries. Hence the name polycystic ovary syndrome. Other features can be androgenic features, excess of male hormones in their bodies. Like excess acne, hair growth on face and rest of the body, and androgenic features like male pattern baldness and in severe cases there can be hoarseness of voice also.
There are some long term effects of polycystic ovary syndrome-like obesity and most importantly infertility. Women can have a hard time conceiving when they have PCOS due to delayed cycle their ovulation is not regular, other long term effects can be metabolic deceases, like diabetes, hypertension, there can also be some dark color patches over their skin, obesity. Other long term effects can be a slightly increased risk of endometrial carcinoma. Women with all these features can have a low self-esteem and a slightly increased risk of depression. Women with PCOS who get pregnant can have increased abortions, increased risk of pre-term labor, gestational diabetes, malaictus, gestational hypertension.
Coming on to the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, the most important thing is lifestyle modification. Lifestyle modification includes three important things, first is dietary changes, fat content should be reduced in the diet, outside food and packed food should be very much curtailed. Other things include increasing the fiber intake in the diet and increasing fluids. Second, comes weight reduction. Weight reduction is very important. Reducing as low as 5 to 10% weight in the obese women in PCOS induces spontaneous ovulation and she can conceive naturally. Another thing is increasing the level of physical activity, moderate to severe physical activity at least 3 to 4 times a week, is very important for maintaining healthy PCOS. Take home message is to eat healthily and stay active. I hope that my talk was helpful to you, you can contact me through Lybrate.
Thank you.
I am Dr. Rahul Poddar, General Surgeon. Today I will talk about common digestive issues. The very important factor which plays an important role in digestive health is the diet. Unfortunately, diet is misunderstood. There are a lot of confusions and misunderstandings about the diet and how to have good digestive health? Digestive issues include IBS, ulcerative colitis, IBD, constipation, piles, fistula, fissure, and gastritis.
Diet is a part of our lifestyle. Will start with the diet. First will start with gastritis. The most common cause is spicy food. Food that causes inflammation like spicy food, coffee, tea, cold drinks, alcohol, smoking, all the junk foods, street foods. 99% of my patients have a history of consumption of such kind of foods. The most important part is that these things should be avoided. But yes, it cannot be avoided completely. We can safeguard ourselves by consuming other foods. Consume salads like cucumber, curd along with normal food. Moving to IBS and IBD. These are the diseases of the colon. And the most important factor which affects is to the colon. Lack of fiber is the major issue. Animal foods that are causing all such kind of problems. Consumption of plants as I said before also like fruits, sprouts, green vegetables, they do not only provide the fiber, but they have multiple factorial roles.
Especially in the patient of IBS and IBD, constipation, all these are chronic diseases and can significantly improve just by changing the diet. Medicines have very fewer benefits without changing the diet. So, it is better to prevent all these diseases rather treating them after they happen. Then the other thing is water. Water consumption is very important, not only for digestive health, but renal health also, and all other organs functions are improved with good water intake. Because it flushes off toxins. Avoid all unhealthy foods like package food, refines food. void the food which comes packed in plastic. All the packaged food makes the food very unhealthy. These are responsible for long term bad digestive health. It increases the rate of diabetes. It increases the risk of obesity. All these are related to diet. So, friends, avoid all the animal foods, refined foods, packaged food, all junk foods, street foods. Consume plants, fruits, vegetable, sprouts and water. Stay healthy. Prevention is better than cure.
Thank you.
I am Dr. Rahul Poddar, General Surgeon. I am practicing from last 12 years. Today we are here to discuss some important issues often asked by patient and missed from discussing due to lack of time and communication between surgeon and patient. We are here to discuss the preoperative and post-operative care that is needed and that makes the surgical outcome better. The first thing we need to understand here is whatever procedure like treatment, invasive or non-invasive is given on any person's body, the response to that treatment is 90% or even more dependent on the body itself and the factors related to the body itself. The 10% will be managed by the surgeon and 90% for what we are here to discuss is depends on the patient. It has to be made better and can give a significant difference in outcomes and is often life-saving. So, the first part is the care that is needed before the surgery.
Before the surgery, the most important factors are dietary and lifestyle factors. The nutritional factors are build up over a long term diet and although cannot be improved in a short term basis. Whenever any surgery or treatment is required, the body would be able to do in a better position. So, for good nutrition, it is very much important, the best nutrition that our body can have plants. Friends, I would suggest, eat plants. This is the best nutritional diet that you can have before any surgery and treatment. What do we mean by plants? Plants mean fruits, salads, sprouts, green vegetables. These are the things which are missing in our diet. If a diet is containing more than 60-70% of these things at least more than 50%, much of the toxic content is neutralized. Almost all multivitamins, proteins are completed with this diet. Rest all can be supplemented with the various pulses. And the 3rd things are fat. Fat is also very important. The more natural oil we consume is better for the body. Refined oil is very harmful to the body. Oil should be taken as per the requirement. 4th is cereals. These are the least important part of the diet. Should be taken as per the requirement.
For a good physical activity person, we should take more cereals. Next is about lifestyle. Physical activities make our body, all kind of metabolism better. Even our mental health is affected by exercise. It also improves heart, lung, renal functioning. This is the pre-operative care. Other then these, there are many other factors which are specific to the surgery. Our BMI should be in a normal range. Lung capacity should be good. You should be doing yoga, paranayam to improve the overall health. The negative factors that deteriorate our health are smoking, alcohol, tobacco, junk foods, refined foods, packaged foods, all the foods that are saled in the name of good health. They are not actually for good health and should not be consumed. The more natural food we take, the better we will be. So, avoid all junk foods. Animal foods are very harmful to the body and should not be consumed. They are inferior in nutrition compare to plants. Now about post-operative care. Definitely, for every surgery it is different. There are some factors which are common.
The early recovery and the more the person will start walking and tries as per the tolerance, the better the recovery is. The earlier the diet is resumed, the better recovery it is. We have to avoid lifting weights. For hernia surgery, only a few months are required. And another part which is important is care of the wound, stitches. The care is very important for the first 2-4 days. If that period is completed without any problem, there is a layer of the epithelium that deposits and after that, even water can be allowed to fall on the wound and it doesn't penetrate in the wound. The first 2-4 days, the wound has to be kept dried. There should be no sweat secretion, no water entrance. More important that regular care has to be taken in the form that patient and Dr should be very vigilant about any signs of the wound or any infections like there is any pus discharge, redness around the stitches, gapping or any discoloration, swelling or any similar problem. If the problems are noticed earlier, they can be dealt in a much better way.
Thank You.
I am Dr. Neha Poddar, a gynae laparoscopic surgeon. I am going to talk about the introduction to laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is an art in science in which we put in a very fine telescope through patient's body to look in for the abdominal organs and underlying diseases. What was the need of this form of surgery? This is the innate human desire to be minimally harmed surgically. that lead to the foundation of this form of surgery. There are many names attached to it like- Keyhole surgery, Pinhole surgery but the most accepted medical term is minimally invasive surgery. Why is it called so? Because the surgery is done through very very small incision made over patient's abdomen which are 0.5 to 1.5 cm in size as compared to the traditional surgical procedures in which the incisions are like 10 to 15 cm long.
It can be used for diagnostic purposes also and for treatment. There are several advantages attached to it like reduced post operative pain therefore less analgesic requirement to the patient. There is less surgical trauma, less chances of bleeding, there is faster recovery so there is early discharge and early resumption to work. There are less chances of post operative wound, infection and hematoma formation. There is no chronic wound pain. There are less chances of ileus. There is better outcome for the patient and subsequently low OPD cost. It causes less post operative ileus, less post operative thrombosis and less incisional hernia rate. There are less chances of post operative wounds, adhesions, infections and immunity of the patient is better. Last but not the least is the better visualisation leads to better treatment. There are few limitations attached to it like there is a long learning curve for the surgeon and there is increased cost due to expensive equipments. That's all for today.
Thank you!
Hello friends!
I am Dr. Rahul Poddar. We are here to discuss a common problem of patient-doctor relationship. Often patients are hesitant about how to discuss their problems with the doctor. Especially this relationship needs a very depth a very trust between the two and in such a short period it becomes very difficult to attain this.and so the aim of our today’s discussion is to make this a little easier. The first thing that we need to understand is the aim of our discussion is to make it clear to the patient how to approach their doctor how to ask the doctor about their queries things they should ask and how to make their treatment more effective better and less painful and how to improve the outcomes.
Often patients understanding makes this part a lot variable. Better the understanding between the doctor and the patient the better is the outcome of the disease the better the patient cope up with the problem the better is the result of the same treatment between one patient to the other patient it varies just because of one single factor the doctor has to do his role but the patient also has a very big role. Often this role is undermined and ignored. People come to the hospital and they want doctors to treat them. But this is often not understood in the society that patient has got a very important role in their own treatment. So to start with first a person who has to undergo treatment the moment he realizes that he has a problem he has some disease he visits a doctor. From that moment the treatment starts from the patient side and from the doctor side. And the patient the more important part is actually from the patient side and his treatment does vary because how much he understands his disease and the treatment part.
Or if any surgical procedure is required that becomes even more serious. His understanding is even more required in that case. So the first part is to understand what disease he is having what organ is affected. And what are the consequences of the disease itself how the disease will affect his body and for this although it requires a lot of courage and often it gives depression it gives anxiety to patients but he is an inevitable part of life and once it has happened it has to be accepted? And to start with the first thing the patient should discuss with his doctor is about his disease. Often patients do not ask what is the disease they just ask what is the treatment. They just want some tablets to be prescribed and they just want to be fine after that. This is not how the treatment goes. First, you have to understand that you have a disease and there are consequences. And you have to understand that. With all the required courage with all the required trust in the doctor.
Now understanding the points that are to be asked to the doctor first thing that you have to ask is what disease you have what organs that are affected and what are the consequences. This we have already discussed. Then you should understand what is the prognosis of the disease. Prognosis means how the disease progresses how the disease affects the life, what will the quality of life how much life is expected after that disease and is the disease completely curable or its partially curable or it not curable. The second thing that after you understand the disease you should try to understand what treatment can make it better, what treatment can recover you from the disease. Now that recovery can be complete or incomplete or partial. Whatever the maximum recovery is possible with various treatment options. Treatment options can vary from medical treatment surgical treatment para medical modalities are there diagnostic modalities which help in gaining the information about the disease and planning the treatment.
Often patients approach me considering that approaching a surgeon means getting surgery this is not true. Approaching a surgeon can also mean undergoing medical treatment or undergoing surgical treatment. Now often most of the disease have many options it's not like one disease one treatment. It may have a medical treatment option it may have a watchful expectancy treatment or it may have surgical treatment. Even the surgical treatment have various options more radical form more conservative form and sometimes even the anesthesia varies the same procedure can be done in different anesthesias. And different anesthesias have different risks. So all these things have to be decided and for this decision to be taken the responsibility lies both on the doctor and the patient.
And often this responsibility is left on the doctor but this makes the treatment very difficult for the doctor because it increases the responsibility to a great extent and if the patient shares this responsibility the treatment becomes much better. If the patient understands what treatment he has to undergo and what options he has all the effects all the benefits and the risks of those options all the complications each has a different complication and there is no treatment which is 100% successful or 100% guaranteed that there will be no complication. Even a simple injection can lead to death in the greatest hospitals of the world. So coming to the last part of today’s discussion.
The next and last part is that a patient should understand what precautions or what changes in the lifestyle he will have to undergo. If he undergoes a certain treatment or some other treatment or if he doesn’t undergo any treatment and he should understand what is the goal of the treatment. Often the goal may be to recover from the disease or maybe the goal for partial recovery and a goal may be just to prevent further complications and some times the goal is just to make a diagnosis. So the goal has to understand every treatment or every procedure has its goal and has its limitations. And the next thing that he has should understand that what precautions or what changes in lifestyle will happen after the treatment and often the treatment is in multiple parts its not like one part is over and to complete the treatment he may undergo in another part of the treatment like cancer if surgery is done often chemotherapy is required. And for the different surgeries for the same cancer different follow of different modality is often planned. That would depend on the primary treatment. And so a patient has to be ready for all these changes in his lifestyle that will happen forever often forever. So don’t hesitate in sharing your personal history don’t hesitate in asking any query and make your treatment most effective.
Best of luck!
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Doctors in Poddar Nursing Home
Doctors in Poddar Nursing Home
Dr. Neha Poddar
Dr. Mayank Poddar
Dr. Rahul Poddar
General Surgery
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Feb 19, 2021Dr. Rahul Poddar provides answers that are knowledgeable. Thank you
Sukhpreet Kaur
Jun 01, 2019I found the answers provided by the Dr. Rahul Poddar to be very helpful. This is very helpful and inspiring to me for my bright future.thanks doctor giving the answer of my question. read less
Jan 12, 2019I found the answers provided by the Dr. Rahul Poddar to be very helpful, knowledgeable, caring, thorough and helped me improve my health. Doctor rahul is an amazing doctor.He is so devoted towards his profession and towards his patients that you dont get to see such Doctor s very often.In this o...read more
Khadija Abbasi
Jan 11, 2017I found the answers provided by the Dr. Rahul Poddar to be sensible, caring, very helpful, inspiring and well-reasoned. Thanku so much
Suresh Kumar
Dec 15, 2016Dr. Rahul Poddar provides answers that are very helpful, knowledgeable, thorough, practical and helped me improve my health. very helpful