A healthy skin can slow down the aging process and prevent skin problems. Diet and exercise are key factors that keep the skin healthy. A healthy skin also has aesthetic benefits apart from being disease resistant. Given below are 6 ways to keep t......read more
Monsoon comes with a relief after those scorching hot summer days. You feel relieved and in this enjoyment, forget about your skin. Yes, this damp weather may let you feel easy but does your skin feel the same? The answer is perfect NO! There are ......read more
Botox is a wrinkle treatment, but is used for treating a range of medical conditions. It has been in use for well over 18 years and is considered to be safe when performed under the guidance of a medical practitioner. Apart from aesthetics, a rang......read more
Healthy skin is a sign of overall good health and vitality. Skin problem is one of the most persistent problems encountered by people. It is imperative therefore, that you take care of your skin to avoid skin disorders. Various factors, such as po......read more
Every living thing goes through a cycle of birth, growth, development, aging, and based on its lifespan, die. Be it an insect with a lifespan of few hours to the giant tortoise who live for more than 150 years. Now what causes ageing has been deba......read more