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3 Senses ENT  & Clinic (On Call)

3 Senses ENT & Clinic (On Call)

ENT Specialist Clinic

House No- 1293, Near Ajanta Public School, Near Huda Market, Sector 31
2 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 900 at clinic

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Customer service is provided by a highly trained, professional staff who look after your comfort and care and are considerate of your time. Their focus is more

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05:00 PM - 07:30 PM

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Symptoms and Treatments for Adenoids
Symptoms and Treatments for Adenoids

Here are some tips and treatments for adenoids

Hi I’m Dr. Vijay Verma. I practice at Three senses ENT Allergy and Dental Clinic. We all know that kids are always suffering from continuous sneezing. There is an obstruction and also discharge and sometimes bleeding from the nose. They have breathing difficulties and I know that in every family kids are suffering from these problems because they are going into daycare and suppose that there are 20 kids and one out of them always has cold. Your kid is always prone but in depth, we ignore these symptoms of ‘Adenoids’.

Adenoids are nothing but just like tonsils but are present behind your nose. When they get enlarged they tend to cause nasal obstruction to the child. This infection always gives rise to continuous nasal irritation. Children tend to sneeze which causes nasal discharge. When these adenoids fall back inside your throat it causes sore throat and causes continuous cough for the child plus when they sleep, they are unable to take proper amounts of oxygen and if that is happening, they cannot grow properly

.And this one thing is always missed, so one should consult an ENT specialist for these problems of Adenoids because after 12 years although they regress in size, the changes which they lead to are permanent. They can protrude the tooth out, so sooner or later you will need to visit your dentist; a lifelong problem. There is also a possible accumulation behind the ear drum so the kid starts to have various problems with listening. All these are associated to Adenoids, so they start in childhood but leave permanent changes. So I would suggest you to visit your doctor as soon as possible if you notice that your child is having continuous sneezing, nasal discharge or sore throat.

For adenoids, there are two types of treatment:

(a) The therapy of Spray or

(b) Surgery, so it depends on the size of the adenoids.

Depending on that, it is medically treated or surgically treated. Usually all of us are scared of surgeries but now the tools have become very safe. It is either done with a microdebrider or a coblator which makes it a bloodless surgery and also one which is not a painful surgery; it would lead to your kids being happy.

I would also advise you to visit me via Lybrate.

How to Treat Allergies Effectively
How to Treat Allergies Effectively

Hi, I’m Dr Vijay Verma. I practice at sector-31, Gurgaon. So my keen area of interest is Allergy.

As you all know allergy is increasing day by day, you can see kids, they are continuously sneezing, coughing, there are lot of increased cases of bronchial asthma. All these things, they are increasing, increasing and increasing. It may be because of the pollution levels. Now there is no proper exposure to sunlight, like we all live in AC, there is no as per cleaning of the room. You go to the office, they centralize AC , so you are never exposed to the environment now. There is always sunlight, there is no sunlight exposure per say. So all these problem they are coming up day by day. Also, it has been seen that allergies are associated with other diseases like headache, menial’s disease, even migraines. So there are so many things which are associated with the allergies. So allergies are the main culprit of your proper lifestyle problems.

Now how to deal with it?

The first thing is you should have a proper sunlight exposure. You should go for a regular walk and you should do your regular exercise something like that. If you have bronchial asthma then you need to consult your chest physician for your bronchial asthma part. Then nowadays newer modalities are coming up which is allergic testing followed by immunotherapy. In allergic testing, you can go ahead with a blood test or we can do the skin prick test. The blood test they are known to usually a good test because in India we don’t have proper labs to test it. Although, they are certain like Lal patch light test labs, they are doing that but still the results are not so good as equal to the skin prick test. In skin prick test you put some allergens over the hand and you test for it.

So if you are found positive to that thing we can start with immuno therapy. An immune therapy works very well and gives a permanent solution, although the duration of treatment is pretty much longer. it is again from three to five years . it is very promising result and you should go ahead with that. So these tests, skin pricking, I do.

You can always visit me, if you have any query you can also consult me via Lybrate, you can text me, you can have an online consultation with me via videos or else you can visit my clinic at sector 31. Gurgaon.

Doctor in 3 Senses ENT & Clinic (On Call)

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Doctor in 3 Senses ENT & Clinic (On Call)


Dr. Vijay Verma

ENT Specialist22 Years Exp.
₹ 900 at clinic
Unavailable Today

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Vinay Choudhary

Jul 26, 2021

It was a fantastic experience with Dr Vijay. I lost my hearing power in my right ear by upto 90%. Within 10 days a I got a reasonably good hearing capability. Very satisfied with their treatment. read less



Aug 22, 2017

He is so nice doctor ..he listen to patient at first and I always like the way when doctor listen to patients and the. Discribe Thanku so much doctor

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