3 years ago
Once confirm with a gynaec whether you are suffering from endometriosis or adenomyosis. You can start using diane-35 tablet from 2nd day of period if you arenât planni ...read full answer
Female • 28 Year Old • May 26, 2021 • Bhubaneswar
I am feeling vaginal itching post taking medicine for vaginal allergy that happened due to applications of vaginal gel. Itâs itches and pains at times while urinating. ...read more
3 years ago
Don't apply any gel. Use clingen forte tablet for vaginal use for 3 days. Use v-wash instead of soap and keep the area dry. Donât wash with water or soap every time yo ...read full answer
female • 36 Year Old • May 16, 2021 • Delhi
I suffering from yeast infection last 4 months. I took medicine after treatment infection gone but using shave with conditioner infection com back my doc gave me flucona ...read more
3 years ago
Hello lybrate-user, usually single dose fluconazole is sufficient if infection is mild. But in your case, it seems to be a severe infection. Use fluconazole tablet twice ...read full answer
female • 24 Year Old • May 15, 2021 • Hyderabad
Had pcos taken letroz 2.5 mg 11th day 15*13 mm et 7.1 13th day 16*14 mm et 7.9 minimal fluid 15th day 19*14 mm et 8.9 mild fluid 17th day ruptured, ruptured,luteinised e ...read more
3 years ago
Hello lybrate-user. With treatment, the chances of conception are around 15%. And conception also depends on other factors like your egg count (amh value), husband semen ...read full answer
वर्ष 2019 से अबतक पूरे विश्व में हाहाकार मचा चुकी कोरोना महामारी का डर लोगों के दिलों में घर कर गया है। भले ही इस महामारी को रोकने के लिए भारत देश में कोविड वैक्सीन का इजात किया जा चुका है और ज्यादातर लोग इस वैक्सीन को लगवा भी चुके हैं, लेकिन आज भ......read more