Are you growing hair in unusual places where you do not want them to be such as on the neck, chest, chin and back? Hirsutism is a medical term, which refers to excess body hair and facial hair in women. It occurs because of an increased more
Research has shown that nail paint contains chemical substances that can be harmful to the body. These chemicals can enter the body through the pores of the nails. The health eradication is applicable for people who are applying on their nails more
The term exfoliative dermatitis literally means peeling or shedding of the skin. It is also known as erythroderma. This condition is characterized by the reddening and peeling away of large patches of skin all over the body. The skin may also more
Everybody is particular about how they look. Skin care has assumed great importance compared to a couple of decades ago. With skin care assuming so much, everybody talks of cleansing, scrubbing, toning, moisturising, what not! What we need to more
Shingles is a sort of viral disease that makes a very painful rash on the entire body. This sort of rashes can occur on any part of the human body, but is mainly found on the torso. Shingles is a kind of varicella-zoster virus, the similar more