5 years ago
Take more & more natural i.e organic diuretic i.e vegetables like raddish ie good diuretic .& barely seeds decoction.
In vitiligo patients, external application of psorlia cordifolia and wrightia tinctoria help in speedy recovery....read more
Keeping in view of the high temperature of this summer, everyone should take plenty of water, and in food intake special care should be taken to drink more Butter-milk. However, the body extracellular & intracellular factors of Sodium & Potassium ......read more
I am very happy to launch my new website ie "www.ayudoctor.com"...read more
The WHO also stated that there is no any alternative system of Medicine Except The AYURVEDA , ie "www.ayudoctor.com" I have explained.in my website....read more