7 years ago
Hi lybrate-user You a cavity in your tooth, and you should meet a dentist and show him to assess the same as only he can find out the extent of the cavity and suggest a ...read full answer
Male • 21 Year Old • Sep 01, 2017 • Hyderabad
My mother got calcaneal spur (severe pain at the heel) what are the reasons behind this.
7 years ago
Hi lybrate-user One of the causes of the calcaneal spur can be lack of vit D (due to menopausal age) and over pressure of heels (standing while cooking). So get he Vit D ...read full answer
male • Mar 28, 2015
My wife is 64 yrs old & having knee pain & pain in heels. Wt 60 kg.Please Advice.
10 years ago
Assessment to be done by a physiotherapist,also the weight could be the cause here so activities to reduce weight. Since both knee and heel is paining, water exercises/ ...read full answer
Male • Mar 28, 2015
What can be the possible reasons for tail/hip bone area. What is the suggested treatment ?
10 years ago
It is mostly attributed to wrong sitting posture and body weight, though even a thin person can get it too. Suggested treatment includes change of sitting posture after ...read full answer