Dr. Varsha Upadhyay
Personal Statement
Our team includes experienced and caring professionals who share the belief that our care should be comprehensive and courteous - responding fully to your individual needs and preferences...read more
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- General Physician
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Question and Answers
Sandeep Anand
male • 52 Year Old • Aug 08, 2018 • Faridabad
I am having badly running nose, watery eyes, dry&sour throat and continuous dry khansi. Yesterday evening had a 102 fever. Took one sumo tablet. Now fever is cured, but ...read more
Varsha Upadhyay
6 years ago
Take steam inhalation and warn saline gargle. Also detailed description needed regarding symptoms.
male • 17 Year Old • Aug 08, 2018 • Patna
I feel always like fever when I wake up feel to much weakness and want to sleep again during my class I fell sleepiness and fever and pain my body.
Varsha Upadhyay
6 years ago
You need to check your sleep duration and activity levels. If sleep time is less then you may feel so.