Dr. Ramesh Sethia
Dr Sethia
Personal Statement
To provide my patients with the highest quality healthcare, I'm dedicated to the newest advancements and keep up-to-date with the latest health care technologies...read more
Doctor Information
- Pediatrician
Languages spoken
- English
- Hindi
Clinic Location
32A, Uniara Garden, Trimurti Circle
Clinic of Dr. Ramesh
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Dr Sethia | - |
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Question and Answers
Passang Tamang
male • 29 Year Old • Sep 09, 2016 • Darjeeling
My sister delivered a girl child on 6th of September 2016 through vaginal delivery. But the baby did not cry at first but she cried after 5 minutes. She was breastfeedin ...read more
Ramesh Sethia
8 years ago
The first problem delayed cry can cause hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy HIE, this means brain injury, can have developmental, mental and brain related problems in futur ...read full answer
male • 9 Year Old • Jan 30, 2016 • Bangalore
Is dysentery common in infants, sometimes it is greenish in colour why also is there anything that mothers should not eat, commonly people tend to say not to eat apple, ...read more
Ramesh Sethia
9 years ago
Usually baby's stools are not affected by whatever mother eats, colour depends on how much time food stayed in 4 mts long intestine, if it's stay is normal 6hrs it's yel ...read full answer
Health Tips
बच्चे को मिट्टी खाने की आदत
बच्चे को मिट्टी खाने की आदत बच्चों को लॉन या ज़मीन पर बैठकर खेलना बहुत पसंद होता है। ऐसे में वो अकसर अपने आसपास पड़ी चीज़ों को मिंह में भी डाल लेते हैं।यह काफी स्वाभाविक बात है। मिट्टी खाना एक बच्चे के लिए काफी स्वाभाविक लग सकता है, लेकिन यह उनके ......read more