8 years ago
You are killing self. First you must get rid off your addictions if not possible get the help of a good doctor or psychologist. You are the only person who can save your ...read full answer
male • 32 Year Old • Jun 17, 2016 • Bangalore
Hi Doctor, please advise what is the best time to eat fruits? I'm having fruits in the morning time. Pls suggest some good fruit name for knee joint pain.
8 years ago
Use always seasonal fruits, make sure it is free from pesticides or other chemicals. Fruts may help general health but not knee pain.
male • 34 Year Old • May 30, 2016 • Hyderabad
I have a diet problem whenever I eat at lunch or dinner within an hour I go to toilet n also gastric problem it feels like my heart is going to attack now. please solve ...read more
8 years ago
Avoid spicy food, pickles etc. Take food on time. Do not fill your stomach. Do not over eat reduce quantity of dinner and also take it by at least 7 pm. Do not drink coo ...read full answer
Sirodhara is a classical ayurvedic procedure of slowly and steadily dripping medicated oil or other liquids on the forehead. It is brainwave synchronization, the practice of entertaining one's brainwaves to a desired frequency. Sirodhara is deeply......read more
Avoid spicy food to prevent premature greying and fall of hair....read more