After the advent of the internet, the availability of pornography or explicit video material has become widespread. The availability of this material resulted in a large section of the population relying on it for sexual pleasures as well as more
Emotional problems make direct tasks and simple errands harder. High feeling, bubbling disappointment and hurt emotions motivate the person. Certain people become very protective. Protectiveness causes us to pry on others. Others might want to more
Feeling tired all the time? Do you feel that you can t focus on things anymore? Have you lost interest in things and people you once loved spending time with? Does your temper fly off the hook at the drop of a hat? If it is a yes to the questions more
Trust issues can destroy any relationship. Trust deficiency creates a feeling of insecurity and makes a person ponder over his partner s faithfulness, genuineness, and truthfulness. As a matter of fact, trust is essential for any relationship, be more
Infertility is the term used to denote the condition in which a person is not able to become pregnant/impregnate. It is not a natural state of a healthy adult. There are many factors which cause infertility among adult humans. Some of the causes more