Kamats Hospital
Gynaecologist Clinic
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A mother’s milk is said to be the most nutritious food for a new born baby. It contains the perfect balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals needed for your baby and changes to keep up with your baby’s growing needs. However, the benefits of breastfeeding extend way beyond nutritional value. Breastfeeding is beneficial for both you and your baby.
Uterine fibroids are referred to as benign, abnormal growths which tend to develop in the uterine walls of a woman. The size of such growths can range from a few centimeters to even excess of a few inches. As such, they can cause the uterus to increase to the size of a five month pregnancy. Although, the symptoms of fibroids are not always apparent, they often cause heavy bleeding and pain in women. A recent research concluded that around 60 to 75 percent women contract such fibroids by the age of 50, at least once in their life.
Hello friends,
I am Dr. Jayanti Kamat, IVF consultant, obstetrician and gynecologist. Today's women have a lot of challenges and they work continuously to strike a balance between home, life and career responsibilities. Healthcare or self care seems to be very low on their priority list. In such cases menopause poses a tremendous challenge to a woman's health and life, so today we will be talking about menopause. So what is menopause and why are we talking about it? Menopause is a stage in a woman's life when she stops her monthly periods. Why is it so important to us? it is not a disease nor it is a health crisis, it is just a transitional phase in a woman's life, then why talk about it? today we are talking about menopause because the lifespan of women has increased so women will be spending more years of her life in a menopausal period, in addition to that menopause has certain symptoms it's very important for women to know what are the symptoms and how she can tackle them. Thirdly, menopause also poses certain risk factors to a woman's health.
Now, what is the age at which menopause occurs? In Indian women menopause usually occurs between the age of 40 to 50 years and lots of women ask me doctor when will I get my menopause, my periods are becoming irregular, am I in a menopausal period? Well, it is a little difficult to say, you can get a rough idea by asking your mother or your maternal aunt at which age their periods had stopped, so roughly you can get an idea it is not a fool-proof plan, but you can get some idea as to when you will attain menopause. But when do we say that a woman has attained menopause, when a woman periods stops for an entire year or 12 months, she does not have any bleeding or spotting in those 12 months then we say that a woman has attained menopause. The duration of one year is very important. A woman may have a few irregular periods before she attains menopause. Menopause is not sudden, it is a gradual change, then there are certain entities called premature menopause and surgical menopause. What is premature menopause? some women periods stops even before the age of 40, I see even young girls periods stopping at the age of 20 or 22 so why does this happen?
This happens mainly because of a genetic cause and such cases have to be treated. Then there is something called as surgical menopause, when a woman has her uterus removed or her ovaries removed. Now let us know why menopause occurs? we all know that the main hormone in the woman's body is estrogen, menstrual cycle occurs because of this hormone called as estrogen, so when the production of this hormone decreases or stops menopause occurs. Now what are the symptoms of the menopause? actually, some women may not experience any symptoms at all it is just a smooth transition they just stop their period and that's it and they do not have any other symptoms, whereas some women have mild symptoms which they can take it in stride and for some women it is a very turbulent phase they have a lot of symptoms and they are totally overwhelmed by such symptoms. Now the main symptoms of menopause are irregular periods either the bleeding is less or their is a duration between the periods increases or the women may get periods once in 2 month, once in 3 month or she may get very scanty bleeding, different women have different patterns that is one and secondly she may experience something like hot flushes and anxiety, palpitation, even depression, sleeplessness, vaginal dryness, dry skin, loss of interest in sex, headache, fatigue, leg cramps and so many other problems.
Now how do we tackle these problems? first of all remember menopause is a transition and not a health crisis, a lot of women ask me whether we have to live with these symptoms all our lives, no these symptoms last for a very short time, it depends on you, you have to take care of your diet, exercise and include a lot of positive changes in your lifestyle so let us see how we can tackle few symptoms of menopause. One is hot flushes, hot flushes is when a woman experiences heat own her face, her cheeks and her temples, it is a very sudden feeling of heat which is followed by profuse sweating so the menopausal women has to know that such symptoms do occur and how do we combat it? she can just spray water on her face, she can sit under the fan, she can turn the air conditioning on, she can just wash her face with cold water, keep herself calm and avoid hot spicy food and caffeinated drinks.
Then there are other problems like dry skin. She has to use moisturizer, drink lots of water and keep herself hydrated. Problems like sleeplessness, anxiety, for all these problems women needs to focus on her life style, she should eat a sensible diet, a healthy diet, focus on exercise, exercise has lots of benefits. First of all whenever a person exercises, exercise releases lot of feel good hormones in the body called endorphins so these endorphins will help her in getting good sleep, getting rid of depression, in addition exercise also keeps the bones and muscles strong, it is not just the bones even the muscles have to be toned because in the part of the aging process the muscles undergoes lot of wasting or they become a little weak so exercise will help a woman to take care of all these problems. Now what are the supplements which she should be take and there is another problem associated with diet, lots of women complain of weight gain as well, now why weight gain occurs? that is because as women ages especially after 30s, her metabolic rate decreases so she is bound to gain weight either in very slow or gradual pattern. In addition, if she does not eat a healthy diet then again she will gain more weight, so the woman has to eat sensible diet include lots of fruits and vegetable in the diet.
Take calcium supplements now how do we take calcium supplements? the requirement of calcium in menopause is between 1000 to 1500 milligrams, so calcium is best taken in divided doses and what do I mean by divided doses? if the total dose is 1000 milligram she can take 500 milligram in the morning and 500 milligram in the evening, in addition to that she should not take if at all prescribed iron tablets, calcium tablets should not be taken at the same time as iron tablets so these are the few things which she can keep in mind. She can also include calcium rich foods in diet milk and milk products, ragi, sesame seeds and so many other Indian foods which are very rich in calcium.
Then there are certain risk factors which are associated with menopause so what are the risk factors, one is osteoporosis where the bones become very fragile and because to combat osteoporosis exercise is important and diet and calcium supplements are very important, vitamin D supplements can also be taken, she can take 60000 IU per week to supplement her vitamin D levels, if vitamin D levels are much lower than a doctor will advise her how to take it accordingly, Women have also risk of heart diseases in menopause because during menopause bad cholesterol increases and good cholesterol decreases, so how do we tackle this problem? she should eat a diet, low in salt, low in fat and include a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, smoking has to be avoided. So menopause friends is just a transition in a woman's life, you have to welcome the autumn years of your life in a positive manner and the aim of the women should be fit at 40, strong at 60 and independent at 80.
If you have any queries about menopause you can contact me on lybrate.com.
Thank you
Premenstrual syndrome is a common condition that affects women who are menstruating. A multitude of psychological and physical symptoms might show up before the onset of a menstrual period. What causes PMS is unknown, but fluctuating hormonal levels (progesterone and oestrogen) seem to be linked to it.
I am Dr. Jayanti Kamat, IVF consultant, obstetrician and gynecologist. Today I will talk about how to take care during early pregnancy? What to do when you miss your period? How to take care of yourself during the first 3 months of pregnancy? As you know friends, pregnancy is not a disease. It is a perfectly, naturally occurring event or phenomenon. Of course, some women may experience some complications and discomfort which are associated with pregnancy. So, today will talk about when to plan your pregnancy. What do you do when you miss your period? When to consult a gynecologist? When to go for first sonography? How to tackle the various discomfort? How to reduce mental stress and organize lifestyle?
First and foremost, planning. Just like we plan for education, and so many events in life, same way pregnancy also has to be planned. When do you start planning? You have to plan your pregnancy before 3-4 months. There are certain dos and don'ts. First of all, you have to make your body suitable for nurture baby. So, if you are overweight, try to lose your weight, get basic blood investigation done. Take iron supplements. You have to get yourself screened for certain diseases so that these diseases don't flare up during pregnancy and cause problems to both mother and baby. This entire procedure is called pre-conceptional care and counseling. This care is highly personalized.
Now, you have missed your periods. What will you do? It doesn't necessarily mean that she is pregnant. It can happen because of some other hormonal disorder such as thyroid, PCOS or it could be even because of stress. But whenever a woman missed her periods, pregnancy has to be ruled out. How do you confirm pregnancy? The test is used to detect is based on a hormone called HCG. This hormone is secreted by the placenta. So, when this gets detected, we know that the woman is pregnant. We test this with urine, you all must be aware of this as so many kits are available. If you do it earlier than it might come negative. The beta HCG test. It gives the report for HCG hormone. Now, this test is relatively sensitive. Pregnancy can be detected quite early. Then there is a certain doubtful condition when you do your urine test. Ideally both the lines should be dark. If one line is faded, what does that mean? That means that whether the woman is pregnant or not, is slightly doubtful. So, what do you do in such a situation? You either repeat the urine pregnancy test after one week or you get a beta HCG test done. What about sonography? Many people feel is the sonography a sure shot way for diagnosing pregnancy? But if you do sonography very early in your pregnancy or after you missed a period, we will not be able to see anything. So, the first sonography ideally is done at 6 weeks of pregnancy. So, in this, we can see the fetal heart ticking. This is a very blissful moment both patient as well as a Dr. So, this is about the early scan.
When should you visit a gynecologist? You should visit as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed. Do not delay this visit to the gynecologist. Dr is trained, professional and an expert and can tell you the problems if any by examining you. You may not feel any discomfort. So, get yourself examined as early as possible. Then what are the discomforts which a woman experiences during pregnancy? One is nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, tenderness in the breast, slight pain in the abdomen, frequency of urination, mood swings, so all these are associated with pregnancy. It is not necessary that every woman should feel the discomfort. Every pregnancy is different. So, starting from the first discomfort i.e. nausea and vomiting. Why does it occur during pregnancy? As I told you there is a hormone called HCG which is secreted by the placenta. This hormones go and stimulate the vomiting centre which is present in the brain. And that is the reason she feels nausea and vomiting. How do you combat these symptoms? Your gynae will give you certain tablets to control these symptoms. But, what can you do at home? You have to modify your lifestyle and dietary habits. You can take something dry like biscuits, toast as soon as you et up and you have to keep yourself hydrated. Just should not starve. Try to eat citrus fruits and prefer whole fruit rather than juice. Because when you consume the juice, the fibre is removed from that. Constipation is also a problem in pregnancy. So, by drinking only juice, you may have constipation.
Better you prepare all the juices at home. And not have those readymade package juices. Then certain women have eversion towards smell to certain foodstuff. You can avoid them. There are certain home remedies like ginger, lemon juice you can try. They are quite safe in pregnancy. Sometimes, nausea and vomiting in a woman can be excessive. She keeps on vomiting and cannot even take water. This is a very serious condition. If there is excessive vomiting, you need to consult a gynae. It can be because of higher secretion of HCG hormone. Sometimes, it occurs when there is multiple pregnancies like twin, triplet. It can occur in an abnormal pregnancy. This has to be taken care of. Sometimes, we admit the patient and give them various fluids and injectable medicines to control this vomiting. If you will starve yourself just because of the fear of vomiting, your body will form ketosis which will again form vomiting. This becomes a very vicious cycle. So, you should take meals at smaller intervals because, in pregnancy, the hormone called progesterone which has ha effect on the stomach and intestine, it slows down the movement of the stomach, intestine, and because of this digestion becomes slow. So, with a heavy meal, your digestive system becomes overwhelmed and then again you will start vomiting. Avoid eating hot, spicy and outside food and do not self-medicate.
Next, are tiredness and fatigue. It can be because of food intake is not proper and because of the hormonal influence, a woman may feel sleepy. You have to take a rest. Try to organize your lifestyle. You have to reduce your stress level.
Next, are heaviness and tenderness in the breast. This also occurs because of hormones. A woman should wear a well-supporting bra and take a normal diet and this will pass away in the course of time. Patients ask that during pregnancy can I do exercise, can I go for work. So, I always advise patients to be active until and unless there is a medical indication. A woman can do light, household work, a few light exercises are recommended. Walking is the best. Do not get indulge in a strenuous work-out. Yoga and pranayama are very good during pregnancy. They will let your life healthy and mental stress will relieve. Some women experience a lot of mood swings, depression. a woman has to cope up with career, house. There are so many people who will be giving you so much information about what to do and what not to do. Please take all these pieces of advice with a pinch of salt. Take it positively and just think that these people are concerned about you, so they are giving you advice. Follow your Dr advice strictly and enjoy your pregnancy.
Thank You!
I am Dr Jayanti Kamat, IVF consultant . So today we will be talking about how to prepare for IVF procedure. As you all know that IVF or Test Tube Baby procedure is a very big step in the treatment towards parenthood. So it requires a lot of preparation both from the doctor as well as the patient. So today I will be talking about the patient’s perspective. So preparation for IVF can be divided into 3 main parts first is the mental or emotional acceptance or preparation. Second is the physical or the medical aspects or the preparation and third that is the most important that is the financial aspects how to prepare for IVF.
So firstly I will be dealing with the physical or the medical aspects of IVF. Now the medical aspects are again divided in 2, one is the general health of the patient & second is the reproductive health of the patient. We cannot ignore the general health because we have to find out whether the woman is fit for pregnancy. And also pregnancy should not cause any risk to her health & life. So our aim is not just achieving pregnancy but at the end of the day a woman should have a very uneventful journey of 9 months without any complications without any problems & at the end of it we are aiming at a healthy mother & a healthy baby. So what do you mean by general health. General health is your blood pressure your weight and certain other test. Now coming to the reproductive health. So we have various test how to assess the reproductive capacity of the couple. Now it comes to the seed & the soil concepts. As we all know in IVF we take the egg we take the sperm and the fertilization happens or occurs in the IVF laboratory & and the resultant embryo is again placed in the uterus of the woman. So we cannot sow the seed without preparing the soil. And even when the soil is prepared we have to assure that we are having a good quality seed. So a healthy sperm & a healthy egg will give rise to a healthy embryo. And if the healthy embryo is implanted in a healthy endometrium there are more chances of pregnancy. So suppose the woman cannot produce eggs or much level is low there are certain drugs which we give to increase her capacity to produce eggs.
Similarly, if a woman is suffering from polysystic ovarian disease then there are certain drugs like metformin which help her to ovulate better & also to prevent certain complications like ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Similarly her endometrium is not good we give her certain drugs so that she has a very good endometrium with proper blood flow. We can assess the endometrium by doing a sonography or at time we do a hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is that we introduce a scope through the cervix through the mouth of the uterus to see the endometrium is healthy. In case we feel that there is problem in the endometrium then we can do a biopsy and send it for other test. Similarly in the male partner if the sperm morphology mortility and count is sub normal then then we can give certain drugs to improve the quality of the semen for 2 to 3 months prior to the IVF procedure. So, these preparation is very important. As you all know the success rate of IVF is not 100% worldover in the best of IVF clinics the success rate is between 50 to 60%. So we have to put in our 100% both from the patient side as well as the doctor side if at all we want to achieve a pregnancy. So the patient also has to give his or her 100% she or he has to take proper medicines and diet to support the treatment.
Next coming to the mental or emotional preparation for IVF or test tube baby procedure. Remember your doctor has advised your IVF after exhausting other simpler options. IVF gives better results than other simpler options and that is why your doctor has advised you IVF. So, first of all, accept this form of treatment. Talk to your doctor & get to know exactly what the procedure is all about. It is very important for you to know the exact procedure. So IVF requires a lot of preparation. It is never an emergency and it occurs in many steps. First step is preparation of the follicles. The woman receives number of injections to increase the number of follicles & the quality of follicles. And this number is measured by doing trans vaginal sonography. By doing trans vaginal sonography we get to know what number of follicles are formed what is the quality of the follicles whether there is proper blood flow whether the lining of the uterus is proper and whether the blood flow to the uterus is proper. So this entails multiple visits to the doctor’s clinic. So if the woman is working she has to take out time to visit her doctor. She should know that she is going to visit a doctor quite often. Then once the eggs are ready the doctor will give the final injection which is called as the trigger injection or the ovulation trigger injection. After this injection the eggs are retrieved.
The woman will be admitted in a hospital for a very short period of time. She will be given anesthesia for a very short duration & the eggs will be retrieved. Then the next step the third step is fertilization which occurs in the laboratory. Once the fertilization occurs then the final stage is the formation of the embryo. Once the embryo is formed the embryo will be put inside the womb of the uterus. So all these steps should be known to the patients. You should have a very free & frank discussion with your doctor regarding the number of visits & regarding the process. Even embryo transfer depends whether the doctor is going to transfer the embryo immediately after the procedure or in the next cycle depending on the patient’s criteria. Now coming to the last step of this preparation that is the financial aspect. IVF is a very costly procedure because it involves hitech technology & very expensive disposibles and medium. Remember we are trying to imitate a natural process in the laboratory so it is very difficult. The lab parameters have to be taken care of the ph of the media has to be taken care of & there are so many other things which are to be taken care of. So financial aspect the patient has to prepare for the finances before he or she starts the procedure. This treatment cannot be stopped midway because then there will be compromise in the treatment procedure compromise in the lab procedures compromise in the quality of injections & if the procedure is stopped midway it cannot yield any results. So only when you are financially prepared you can start the procedure. Secondly, you can talk to your doctor about the exact expenses which are involved. There are many centres which advertise saying that this procedure can be done in a very small budget but then you have to confirm whether involves the hospital expenses & whether involves the expenses of the drugs. So have a very clear & frank discussion with your doctor regarding the expenses & only when your financially prepared then you can start the procedure. If you have any doubts or queries regarding IVF you can contact me on Lybrate dot com. I will be happy to help you.
Thank you.
I am Dr. Jayanti Kamat. I am an IVF consultant, obstetrician and gynecologist. So today will be talking about IUI or intrauterine insemination. IUI or intrauterine insemination is the simplest procedure in artificial assisted reproduction technology. So what we do in this procedure is we deposit sperms, we concentrate sperms in the small amount of fluid and deposit it inside the uterus. The main purpose of doing an IUI is to shorten the distance between the male gamete that is the sperm and the female gamete which is the ovum. Now this IUI has certain prerequisites. Anybody it is not suitable for anybody and everybody.
So the first prerequisite is the in the husband he should have a moderately low sperm count, very low sperm counts are not suitable for IUI. Secondly there should not be any infection in the semen so if any infection is suspected in the semen a culture sensitivity test should be done. Similarly, in the female partner at least one tube should be open. Ideally both tubes should be open but at least if one tube is open IUI is suitable for that particular woman. Secondly even she should not have any vaginal infections before doing this procedure, vaginal infection or pelvic infection or pelvic inflammatory disease. Now, IUI is indicated for which patients? As I said when the male partner if has a moderately low sperm count, if he has retrograde ejaculation or if donor insemination has to be used then IUI is the ideal procedure. In the female, suppose she has anovulatory cycles and if she has mild endometriosis then IUI is suitable for her.
If both the husband and wife both their reports are normal and they have unexplained infertility even then know IUI will be the first line of treatment. Now what are the steps in IUI? The steps are: firstly a basic infertility workup should be done, then super ovulation normally only 1 egg is produced in a menstrual cycle. So by this method of super ovulation we are increasing the number of eggs so as to increase the chances of pregnancy. So how do we do this? Usually it is started from the second day of the cycle, the treatment so from the second day the woman is given certain tablets or certain injections. How do we know that she is ovulating or how many eggs are produced in the body? So we take, we monitor this by a procedure called as follicular monitoring. Now what is follicular monitoring? Follicular monitoring is we do a sonography and this sonography is ideally done by transvaginally that is called as transvaginal sonography or TVS.
So when we do this transvaginal sonography, we see how the follicles are growing, we see how many follicles are formed. At the same time we can also have a look at the lining of the uterus or the endometrium whether it is growing properly in accordance to the number of follicles. For as you all know ultimately when there is a pregnancy, the endometrium is very important because the embryo is going to get attached to the endometrium and implantation takes place inside the uterus. So that is about follicular monitoring. Once these eggs grow to a certain size maybe between 18-20 mm, then we give a injection that is human chorionic gonadotropin it is called as the trigger and once we give this injection the follicles rupture and release the egg.
After this giving the trigger, then we do this IUI procedure. So in this procedure the man has to give his semen in the lab, then we process the semen, we concentrate the sperm, the best sperms are used and concentrated in a very small amount of fluid and through a small plastic tube we put this sperms inside the uterus of the woman. Now this procedure does not require any anaesthesia. It is a daytime procedure. The woman can go home after 15 to 20 minutes after insemination. So we some doctors do this insemination twice. In our centre, we do this IUI twice on either side of the ovulation because we have studied that when we do the IUI twice there is a greater chance of success. Now what are the complications of this particular procedure? The complications are the patient may have a mild pain when the fluid is going through the tubes, when we inject the semen into the uterus; patient may experience a few cramps which will go away on its own.
Secondly if the semen is not processed properly or if the workup is not done properly, it can cause infection or if the follicle monitoring is not regulated properly then it can cause a problem called as hyper stimulation of the ovaries, when too many eggs are formed in the ovaries and this can cause retention of fluid in the body as well as collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity but this is very rare in an IUI procedure. Now where should an IUI be done? IUI should be done ideally in a IVF laboratory. Why? Because in the IVF lab we have that environment which is suitable for the survival of the sperms that is we there our temperature is regulated, the humidity is regulated so it's always better if it is done in an IVF lab because if it is done in the ordinary and if there is a time delay between the processing and the insemination it can cause the damage to the sperm.
Secondly if there are too many follicles during follicular monitoring we can easily convert this IUI cycle into an IVF cycle. So by this we are we can take advantage of the fact that the patient has produced many eggs. We can also do an IVF procedure and if there are too many eggs we can freeze them and use it for in the second cycle also. Third is the time factor. The IUI has to be done within 2-2.5 hours of semen collection. So this is possible if all the facilities are under one roof and also when all the facilities the treating doctor, the follicular monitoring, the processing of the semen and a good laboratory when they are in an integrated setup it causes it saves a lot of time and stress to the patient. The next question is, how many times can a couple do this IUI? IUI should be ideally done for 4-6 cycles and not more than that because it success rates are not increased by doing more number of IUI cycles besides the patient may be having a problem with fertilization for which IVF maybe the ideal choice of treatment for the patient. So if the couple does not conceive within 4-6 cycles of IUI, IVF will be a better choice.
For your any queries on IUI or IVF, you can contact me on lybrate.com.
Thank you.
I am Dr. Jayanti Kamat. I am an IVF consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist consulting at Shristi Fertility Care centre & Women’s Clinic Mumbai. So today I will be talking about a topic which is known as Prevention is better than abortion. So what exactly are we talking about? Yes, we are talking about contraceptive choices. The most popular contraceptive choice is an OC pill, an oral contraceptive pill or a birth control pill. So today we are going to discuss what a birth control pill is, how do they act? What do they contain? Who should use them & who should decide what birth control pill you should be using? So birth control pill is the most popular form of contraception. Today we talk about women’s emancipation, women’s rights. So every woman has a right in a reproductive career. She has the right to make a decision when to get pregnant and also when not to get pregnant. Believe me, friends pregnancy has to be planned so whether you want to have a baby that also requires planning and if you don’t want to have a baby even that requires planning. So that is why today we are talking about birth control pills which are most widely used among all contraceptive methods.
So a lot of people have a lot of doubts and myths about birth control pills. So what are birth control pills? Birth control pills are oral contraceptive pills. Oral means you have to take them orally by mouth, contraception means that is birth control or it prevents conception. So how do they act? They act by inhibiting Ovulation. So what do they contain? They contain the two main female hormones that is estrogen and the progestogen. And the composition of all birth control pills is not the same. They contain various amount and various combinations of estrogen progeston and maybe some other hormones as well. So when exactly you have to start taking the pill. Suppose you do not want a pregnancy then you have to plan it for how long you don’t want the pregnancy. And consult your gynaecologist. She will examine you and decide what is the best pill which is suitable for you. Never take an oral contraceptive pill across the counter. One Size does not fit all so that holds true for birth control pills has. So normally when you prescribe a birth control pill how you should use it. Usually, they come in a packet, it may contain twenty-one pills or twenty-eight pills.
Most commonly they contain twenty-one pills. So ideally the first pill has to be started on the third day of your menstrural cycle. And you need to take the pill every day without fail at almost the same time. So we usually ask a patient to take it at bedtime. And why you should take it at the same time because the concentration of hormones in your blood should remain the same to exert a contraceptive effect. Now, what happens if you miss a single pill. In case you miss a single pill you take your pill on the day which you were supposed to take plus you take your missed pill the moment you remember that it is missed. Suppose this happens more than twice in the month your contraceptive pills are going to fail in the action and in such cases you should use an alternate form of contraception for example you can ask your partner to use a barrier form of contraceptive such as condoms. Now coming to the various myths which surround the birth control pills. Some women believe that birth control pills will affect their future fertility. No this is not true. Usually, a woman resumes ovulation after two to three months after she stops her oral contraceptive pill. It does not have any effect on fertility nor does it cause miscarriage and nor does it cause any birth effects in the baby.
Some people feel that this pill should not be taken for a very long time. There is some truth in this but you and your doctor should decide for how long you can continue taking the pill. It is not that once you prescribe a oral contraceptive pill you continue the same indefinitely without consulting your doctor. No that is not right because oral contraceptive pills at the time do have some undesirable side effects. For example, it can affect the liver. So you have to keep in touch with your gynaec regarding the side effects and periodic check ups are required so that you do not suffer from the long term side effects of oral contraceptive pills. Some people even feels that you should take an oral contraceptive pill for a few months and then take a break and restart it again. There is no medical evidence supporting this. A women can take her oral contraceptive pill for a pretty long time if her doctor advises her because stopping the pill will disrupt your routine and in the months which you stop the pill, you are more likely to conceive.
So if you plan to stop it and if you don’t plan for a baby then you should use an ultimate form of contraception. Another myth is that oral contraceptive decreases the sex drive in a woman, so this is not true. If for any case if this happens to you there may be a lot of other reasons or other causes for it. A very popular myth again is the increase in weight gain. The modern pill does not cause so much increase in weight gain. There may be at least 5 to 10% increase in weight gain. That is because of water retention. So you cannot blame the pill for your weight gain. There is another popular myth. People usually think that all oral contraceptives are the same. No there are not. As I said before all of contain estrogen and progestron. The estrogen may be the same but the progestrogen may be different so you can consult your gynaec and she will decide as to what pill suits you best. Now coming to side effects. There are some unwanted side effects and there are some desirable side effects. So what are the unwanted side effects. See not all people who use oral contraceptives experience the side effects. Some of the women or rather most of the women are quite comfortable using the pill.
Some of the side effects regarding the pill are nausea headache break through bleeding and etc. So once you start using the pill regularly for three months all the symptoms will disappear. Then there are some desirable side effects. A women can have predictable regular menses less incidents of dysmenoria and pre menstrural syndrome. There are lesser chances of anaemeia, lesser chances of pelvic inflammatory disease and lesser chances of non cancerous growths of the breast. So that the pill does have positive or desirable side effects as well. But suppose a woman has a history of heart attack or she has a history of blood clots in the legs then she should be very careful and pills may not be the ideal form of contraception for her.
Even women with breast cancer who have been treated for breast cancer pills may not be a very good option for her. Now, what about oral contraceptive pills and the various forms of cancer. Oral contraceptive pills have a protective effect against endometrial cancer. Endometrium is the lining of the uterus and ovarian cancer. But certain cancers are related to oral contraceptive pills such as cancer of cervix, cancer of liver ad breast cancer. So though Oral contraceptive pills are the best form or a very convenient form of contraception they should still be taken on strictly on medical supervision. You can continue the pills as long as you want but you should be under a doctor’s vigilance. For more information on Oral contraceptive pills, you can contact me at lybrate.com
A woman suffering from PCOD might not have the same problems like the one suffering from PCOS. PCOD is a condition where the ovaries have small follicular cysts developed due to hormonal imbalances. PCOS is more severe than PCOD.In both cases, timely diagnosis and corrective treatment can help overcome the syndrome and make the road for conception.
Hello friends,
I am doctor Jayanti. I was consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist practicing at Srushti fertility test centre and women's clinic Mumbai.
Today I will be talking about his true laparoscopy hysteroscopy is considered as the gold standard in the evaluation of infertility so what exactly is this hysteroscopy so it consists of two parts that is hysteroscopy and laparoscopy so you're still we introduce a Periscope instrument to the cervix of the mouth of the uterus to visualise the inside of the uterus the why is it so important many many of a patient sir ask me why is hysteroscopy should be really do it it's a major surgical procedure is it really necessary before we understand this let us just revise our knowledge of how conception occurs as you all know every month an egg 1 is released from the ovary and this it travels to the fallopian tube around the same time is intercourse takes place the sperms travel inside the uterus meet the egg inside the tube and form an embryo.
And finally embryo gets implanted inside the uterus suppose there is any problem with ovary with ovulation on with the transport in that you are in the uterus so this process of conception will not histoleproscopy precisely evaluates the reproductive system of the female hysteroscopy what we do if we introduce a Telescopic instrument with the cervix of the mouth of the uterus instrument his introduced inside the uterus we also study the cervix well because of some tremendous it is very tight of Stinos and even the sperms cannot pass through it so you are such a situation we dilate the cervix and then we go inside the uterus slowly and the first thing which we see inside the uterus is the opening of the tubes know the opening of the tubes.
How to be free of editions safe there any additional we can clear it around at the same time what is to see inside of the uterus we notice whether there is enough space because ultimately the baby is going to grow inside the uterus so we just observe whether than enough space for the baby to grow we observe the lining of the uterus and whether the cavity is normal whether there is a Submucous fibroid which is popping in a weather that is a symptom of whether there is a polyp a certain things cannot be visualised by ultrasonography so whenever we do hysteroscopy we get a lot of surprises and the beauty of the specifications you cannot read it was but you can also treat the condition at the same time this is often a company by another procedure called as laparoscopy.
So what we do in laparoscopy is we introduce a Telescopic instrument through the umbilicus through the abdomen to see the outside of the uterus so what do we say from the outside of the uterus we see the ovary the tubes the uterus and the other structures which are surrounding the uterus so what problems can occur wear that can be a cyst in the ovary or the ovaries may be very much and large in a Barclays spec PC OS for they may require drilling or the tubes or maybe some additions which are blocking the tubes are the tubes are getting kinked and some time so we free the tubes from the additions then we observe the uterus so whether the uterus has any tumor has fibroids whether It is a sub serious fibroid all these things we observe whether the uterus the shape of the uterus is normal because some women are born with an abnormal uterine shape so post of the time even this can be treated with laparoscopy.
We do a procedure called as laparoscopic chromotubation so what exactly this procedure be introduced a dye in the cervix and through the mouth of the uterus and we observe whether the die is coming out from both the surprise coming of really that means the cubes are open the patent and they can allow the passage of the site and the embryo suppose that is a block so this blocks can also be treated by hysteroscopy by a procedure called as hysteroscopy tubal cannulation so all these things can be observed in by doing a laparoscopy we can also see other diseases associated diseases like I already mentioned fibroids we can be bought diagnosed as well as we can remove fibroids.
Also then there are conditions for this endometriosis can be diagnosed only and only by laparoscopic photography will not diagnose endometriosis unless the patient has a huge ovarian endometriotic cyst this condition can be suspected what the ultimate diagnosis will only be by laparoscopy in our country that another disease causes genital tuberculosis so people think that tuberculosis only limited to the lungs and the richest known as pulmonary tuberculosis. Under which is known as pulmonary tuberculosis what happens if the patient has a lot of symptoms.
He feels Breathless he keeps popping that is loss of weight has an evening rise of temperature of slight fever all the time this condition can be very well diagnosed by a simple chest X rays especially the conditions genital tuberculosis condition cannot be detected by the actual confirm over diagnosis and in case the person has blocked you resist them will have to be created for a total period of 9 to 12 months so this is how laparoskopi helps us in diagnosing various condition now there are other conditions apart from infertility where leproscopy can we use like tubal patency have already mentioned and conditions like endometrosis or Pelvic conditions where the patient has undergone fewest surgery or there is Tuberculosis endometriosis.
So everything is all stuck together we can free all this structures that acute pelvic region such as ectopic pregnancy very important because it to the pregnancy is something that usually a pregnancy is inside the uterus ectopic means something away the pregnancy growth of an abnormal site and what is the economic side anything other than the uterus will be an abnormal side opposite to be pregnancy is it that you can diagnose it at the same time we can remove the ectopic pregnancy also an impact save the life of the patient then acute appendicitis can be made out salpingitis and inflammation of the fallopian tubes that also can be diagnosed that certain tumors can be taken out by leproscopy laparoscopic and helpful and helps us to even take out the cancerous growth from the uterus in short as of today almost all surgeries which can be done by the open Method can be done by histleproscopy the advantage here as have already told you we can diagnose and treat the condition at the same time it requires a very short Hospital Spain and patient need to spend the patient did not take prolong bedrest or anything you can get back to work very quickly.
So friends any questions about historical Scorpio laparoskopi gunec leproscopy you can always contact me at lybrate.com. Thank you.
Doctor in Kamats Hospital
Doctor in Kamats Hospital
Dr. Jayanti Kamat
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Jan 14, 2017Dr. Jayanti Kamat is very clear in her talk n she gave us proper guidance n counselling