7 years ago
It would be beneficial to meet a counselor who would be able to help you & your son figure out what's going on. There could be multiple reasons to his behaviour. But it ...read full answer
male • 24 Year Old • Jun 25, 2016 • Hyderabad
Hello madam .good morning. At present am preparing for competitive exams. When I sit n study for half an hour, my body is getting heat heavily n am getting severe migrai ...read more
8 years ago
Hello, Having a healthy diet with fresh fruits & avoiding junk food, getting 7-8 hours of adequate sleep, is essential while preparing for examinations. Also because of ...read full answer
male • 31 Year Old • Jun 19, 2016 • Chennai
Sir, I am a teenager. I am irritating with backpain (At the end of spinal cord). But I have a bad habit. I masturbates daily. Is it the cause of my backpain. I am very t ...read more
8 years ago
Hello, masturbation is a healthy way to release one's sexual tension. Engage in masturbation only & when you are sexually aroused. However, masturbation has no evidence ...read full answer
male • 34 Year Old • Jun 17, 2016 • Lucknow
Hi sir im 33 year, due to some problems in family I always want to sleep, I think serious depression, I want to close eyes, always, high pulse and heartbeat, please help ...read more
8 years ago
Hello, often when we are undergoing mental & emotional stress, our body tends to respond to it by disturbing our sleep & appetite. There are also times when we recognise ...read full answer
At some point of time, an infant will separate from the mother or father for a while. The infant may scream, cry and/or show resistance to getting separated. This is an absolutely normal response by the infant as he/she is taken away from his/her ......read more