Calcium is known for its role in maintaining the bone health, from keeping your teeth stronger to normal functioning of the cells. But there are various factors, which lead to a deficiency of calcium in the human body and paves the way for more
Life is getting stressful day by day. Food habits are changing and so is the diet pattern. A balanced diet is becoming a highly debatable topic in these tough times. Dinner is the last meal of the day and surprisingly the most neglected one too. more
Each person has his own individual bathroom habits and it is totally his/ her personal lifestyle that dictates their regular bowel movement. However, having a bowel movement fewer than 3 times in a week would be deemed as constipation and there more
Cotton swabs or cotton buds, are commonly used in our daily lifestyle. Many people use it for various purposes, such as make-up, bacterial culture, and most commonly for extracting wax and debris from the ear. Even though they are sometimes handy more
Paracetamol is one of the most commonly consumed medicine to deal with minor pain, body ache, headache, fever etc. It can also be used for getting temporary relief from arthritis pain. This is readily available over the counter and can be more