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Mind Mappers Clinic

Mind Mappers Clinic

Psychologist Clinic

Flat No - 003, Upper Ground Floor, SAT Homes, Near S D Vidya School, Baraula, Sector 49
2 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 1,500 at clinic

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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Counselling Psychologist.We will always attempt to answer your questions thoroughly, so that you never more

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05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

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Tips Related To Marital Relationship
Tips Related To Marital Relationship


I am Dr. Priyanka Srivastava. I am a practicing counseling psychologist in Noida. I come across with cases related to marital relationships. So in this video, I am going to discuss various tips related to marital relationships. Many couples come to my clinic and they are not ready to even see each other. So when we go into the details, there are a few important things which I want to share that a couple should understand.

Number one is that there should be trust among each other. So trusting each other really healthen the relationship. The second important aspect is communication, most of the time I have seen the cases that they don’t communicate with each other, rather they keep it to themselves. So communication is an important pillar which can again help them strengthen their relationship. The third is respect for each other and further elders in the family. Again I see many people who are not wanting to respect parents of their spouses, so respecting the parents and respecting each other is very important. Respecting their own interests and respecting the interests of their spouse is a very important aspect of maintaining a good healthy relationship. The fourth is recognition. The recognition is that one should recognize that what is one interested in or what are one’s strengths and weaknesses. The next is the physical intimacy. Physical intimacy is again one important parameter. Whenever they are not communicating with each other, they are not trusting each other so physical intimacy also goes down. So for a marital relationship or for a couple to strengthen the relationship the physical intimacy is a very important parameter.

So if all these pointers are been taken care of, then a couple can really have a healthy relationship. Thank you so much. If you have any doubts further relating to your marital life you can consult to me through Lybrate.

Thank You!

Learning Disability In Children
Learning Disability In Children


I am Dr. Priyanka Srivastva, I am a counselling psychologist, practicing in Noida. Every day I come across with cases related to children, teenage, adult issues. In children, today I am going to discuss the cases related to children. Children are having a lot many problems like I want to focus on learning disabilities for this video. Many children are learning disable and parents really get confused about how to handle them or how to manage with them. And many schools at times are not able to manage with them, because learning disability as per them is only dyslexia or it’s only autism. But learning disability is much more than that. There can be another learning disability like difficulty in writing, mathematical learning disability and difficulty in reading. So, how to handle this type of children, because they are going ignored in society. So there are various tips to handle, tips for the parents especially.

So the number one tip is Be empathetic with them. I mean to say be empathetic means you really need to feel what difficulty they are facing despite just focusing on marks, why they are not able to score marks. We need to understand why my child is not able to read a particular subject or a topic? So be empathetic, if you are empathetic then you are lowering the anxiety of a child because learning disabled children is generally as on the highly anxious state. So anxiety level of a child will be lower down if you are empathetic. Secondly, discuss the children’s strengths and interests. What I mean to say is that discuss the strength, share with them, make them understand that what are their strengths and how they need to improve upon their strengths and interests also for example if I have to say if a child describes a book or a movie in a very hilarious way, in a very creative way, so we need to give a positive stroke to the child because this is the creative child in a child. Maybe a child is not able to give you the systematic pattern of describing that story. The third point is to discuss the areas of the weaknesses in a child. Weaknesses are also very important, despite of directly emphasizing on the weakness we need to say, yes my son as you are not able to read or you are not able to focus till the end of this chapter and your focus drifts from one point to the another, so let’s both of us sit down and work together. Then you will probably be able to work on the weaknesses of your child and the child will get strength out of it. The fourth point is that describe your child how to identify a mentor. A mentor is very important for a learning disabled child. But for any child, I will say help them identify a mentor like a teacher in a school, a tutor or a neighbor or a friend or any other member of your family, whom you feel the child can learn new things in his or her life. The next important 5th point is that optimize them, the child about the future thing. Optimism is very important. Tell your child the future possibilities based upon their strengths and weaknesses. So if you tell them this, how we can reach the goal, the child’s anxiety level will again be lowered down. The last point is that help your child or protect your child from bullying. Bullying means because when the child is learning disabled, a child is slow in writing, for example, that’s a child takes a little longer time to complete any exam or any test in the class in the school, others can bully. So, motivate your child or help the child to boost his or her self-esteem, so that this bullying does not harm him and as a parent also we need to understand that at times we also compare from one child to another child, so please do not do this because this is also a form of a bullying by which the child lowers down his self-esteem.

So these are the tips which if one follows then we can help protect this learning disabled child. If you have any questions further in detail related to any of the issues related to the child, teenager or adult you may contact through Lybrate or to my clinic directly.

Thank you so much.

Teenage Issue - How To Handle It?
Teenage Issue - How To Handle It?


I am Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, Psychologist. In my private clinics, a lot of patients come and they raise the issue of their teenage. The moment they visit my clinic, they say, Ma'am, it is a clarifying experience and a nightmare for us to raise our teenage child. Last year, my child has stopped eating well. He has started raising his eyebrows, showing his anger, doesn't want to listen to me, not coming out of his room. So, please tell us the solution. Let me just brief you, how to handle the teenager if you have in your family. First of all, a teenager is going through a transition in their life. Which means they are having a change in their physical, social and emotional needs. They are trying to discover their own self, they want to know who they are or who am I. So, as a parent, we need to understand this conflict happening in our teenage. Now how to handle them and make them comfortable. There are 4-5 points which need to be taken care of.

1. We just need to talk, talk and talk. We need to communicate with our child. Communication should be open. Whenever a child comes from school, he/she should be entertained by a parent. You should enquire what has happened in the school, what is happening in the social circle, how are the friends behaving and acting? Or we can talk about different activities like supports, music, movies. What generally what happens, we are only focused on academics. We ask what are the marks they got in tests. You have to study for 2 hours. You can't watch television. This puts a strain on the child. And the child starts moving away from the parent. So, never ask only such kind of questions always.

2. Spend quality time with your child. It is very important where you can teach values to your child. Try to narrate different stories, happenings what has happened to you. This will make the child comfortable. You have to be a child's friend despite being just a parent.

3. Always respect your child's self-image. This is the very common thing which I see. Never compare your child with the other child and we scold the child anytime and every time. So, do not insult your child in front of others. The child always wants self-respect. So, parents are the more important pillars in a child upbringing process.

So, if you try to understand these parameters then for sure we will have a good and memorable bonding with our child during this teenage and maybe a child will be a forever friend. If you have any further queries regarding how to handle this because each child is different and individual, in a clinic we give generalize the solution to each parent. So, if you have any query regarding your teenager, you can visit my clinic. Thank You.

Psychologist and Psychiatrist
Psychologist and Psychiatrist

How treatment is carried out by Psychologist and Psychiatrist?

Hi! I am Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, practicing psychologist in Noida and with Lybrate. There are a lot of challenges, nowadays, that we all are facing regarding this concept of psychologist and psychiatrist. I am here to share, with most of the people in and around, the difference between these two. Psychologist, they are trained persons in the area of psychology with knowledge of human behavior and mind. They are the persons who can work in organizations, they are the ones who can be in the universities to teach the students but they are not trained in medicine. There are certain therapies which they usually apply to the patients. So, the patients those who come to them are generally scared that they are going to meet a psychologist.

So, kindly remove this notion as psychologists are there to help you out to move in the competitive world in the right fashion. They make you clear about the goals which they are at times confused about. So, we are not here to give you any medicines but psychiatrists are the one who are trained in medicine with the knowledge of human behavior. They are the ones who give you medicines. They are also the one who treats patients with depression, anxiety. At times, the patient needs both counseling as well as the medication.

Psychiatrists are the right one wherein you can approach both, medicine as well as other counseling is to be given by the psychologist. So you need not be apprehensive before meeting a psychologist. So, these are the challenges which we are facing every day. Whenever the patient enters, the patient says that, “will you be able to maintain the confidentiality of our identity?” Yes, it’s very true. We are here to maintain the confidentiality of each and every person because generally they feel that when they are meeting a psychologist, other people feel that they have some mental problem. So, it is not the mental problem, it is at times when we are confused about our state of mind and about our goals to achieve.

At times we get depressed because of certain situations, certain past experiences. At times, we have fear, anxiety of certain things. So, when we are not able to decide about ourselves, it is for that reason we are here to help you out and give you the directions without the medicines. So no medicines are provided by us. Medicines are only given to patients who are on an extreme level and that too by the psychiatrists. So, do not be anxious while coming to a psychologist, feel comfortable while meeting a psychologist.

For any further problems related to fear, anxiety, depression, and so on, you can consult me through online and offline mode on Lybrate. Thank you so much.

Know more about Fear
Know more about Fear

Positive and Negative aspects of Fear

Hi I am Dr. Priyanka Srivastav a practicing psychologist in Noida and with Lybrate. Today lets understand what is fear. I know fear is a very common issue which everyone is facing in their day to day life situation. So what is fear? It is nothing but feeling of stress, apprehension or alarm caused by a sense of impending nature. Fear is generally within ourselves, but we all feel that fear is controlled by external factors. As human beings we all believe that if logic or reason is being given to a problem then we are not in a fearful situation. We can manage that situation so very well. So fear is very within our own selves.

Let us take an example, it is a very day to day life example. If we have to go to the railway station to catch a train, and we find the train is late, and we don’t get the reason why the train is late we can get a apprehensive feeling, we will feel restless about the situation. But if the train is late because of some logic or rational reason behind it then we are relaxed and we will wait for the train to come. So fear can be easily overcome if there is a logic or reason behind that particular situation. So as a human being if a logis is given surely this feeling can be overcome.

Let's take another few examples related to this. In a dark room if we enter we have fear that some animals will be crawling over the floor, but if we switch on the light and see no animals on the floor, although we had a fear before entering to the room but if we switch on the light and see no animals it's just our imagination and the fear, so fear is again within our own selves. It is not controlled by the external factors. There are both positive and negative aspects to this fear and we generally experience fear in a very negative aspect. The positive aspect of fear is that it leads to more understanding more thoughtfulness of our mind. It leads to more creativity, we tend to think more into the details to come to the right and rational solutions to the situations which we are encountering.

So this fear can be overcome if we are very rational to the situation. Secondly the fear can be overcome if we forget the situation which has happened with us, if we forget certain past bad experiences of our life, then we can surely overcome fear. For example the bad experience can be one with our friend, with our college-mate, if we had a bad experience and after a couple of years or after a decade or so we meet with the same person and if we encounter with same type of fear then it is not the right way of managing the situation. The right way would be to analyse the situation, to understand it and to forget what has happened during that past time, so that we can easily manage our fear.

If you want to consult furthermore related to the queries about fear you can contact me through Lybrate online or offline mode of it.

Reasons , Symptoms & Management Of Anxiety
Reasons , Symptoms & Management Of Anxiety

Hi I'm Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, a psychologist practicing in Noida in Lybrate.

Today let's understand the concept of anxiety because anxiety nowadays is seen among all classes of people. One is generally getting anxious on small pity situations. If you are getting anxious on a small situation or normal situations, if you're anxious and not being able to manage your day-to-day life situations, if you are anxious and having headaches, insomnia and not being able to manage your situations, then surely you are suffering from anxiety disorders.

These are the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders :- 

The common symptoms are fear and insomnia. So let us understand what are the emotional symptoms and physical symptoms that generally an anxious person feel. In emotional symptoms , generally there is a problem with concentration. Secondly, people are generally overly tensed. Thirdly feeling restlessness and irritability is another sign when you are anxious. Fourthly feeling mentally blank at times, that a person is mentally blank on many situations. Fifth - always anticipating the worst to happen in any situation.

Now, what are the physical symptoms that one encounter during the anxious state of mind ?  Number one that is a pounding heart. The heartbeat increases. Number two is excessive sweating. There's lot of sweating on one's body. Third is there is a breathing problem. Fourth is there is a disease stomach or an upset stomach. Fifth is there is a severe headache and fatigue.

If there is a disease - are these emotional and physical symptoms in an individual now ? How to rectify symptoms - 1)  Start with some mindfulness activities like meditation or yoga 2) one should not stop moving alone in situations and should move in a social gathering so that this anxiety is lowered down , 3) one should stop having caffeine or coffee after the lunch time so that anxiety is lowered down because in caffeine, the anxiety triggers up . So these are the things which need to be followed when an individual is an anxious state of mind.

For more details and further consultation, you may contact me online or offline mode to Thank you.

Attention Deficiency Disorder and Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
Attention Deficiency Disorder and Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

Here are symptoms, reasons and management of ADD and ADHD.

Hi my Dr Priyanka Srivastava doctor at lybrate. Today lets understand the concept of Hyperactivity in children.

This hyper activity as we say that it says attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. So in its normal for children to occasionally forget their homework, daydreaming during the class, frigidity during the dining table and act without thinking. So these attentive impulsivity and hyperactivity are all the science of ADD which get effects the child's ability to learn and get along with others. So let's address this problem by recognising its signs and symptoms. The signs and symptoms of ADD or ADHD typically appear before the age of 7. However at times it can be difficult to distinguish between a normal behaviour and ADD child.

What are the signs and symptoms of a ADD child.

  • Number one is the child who cannot sit still are having the symptoms of ADD.
  • Number two is who never seem to listen. When the child is never seem to listen.
  • Thirdly is the children who do not follow the instructions, no matter how clearly you present them.
  • Fourth who blurred out inappropriates comments at inappropriate timings.
  • Fifthly is who tend to be moody and overreact emotionally.
  • Sixthly, Sometimes these children are labelled as troublemakers or criticized for being lazy and indisciplined.
  • Seventhly, they were stuck to you as disrespectful, weird or needy. So these are all signs and symptoms of ADD or ADHD. So it is a time for the parents to take a call and to consult a psychologist.

What are the reasons behind ADD.

  • Number one, whenever there is a learning disabilities our problems with reading writing Motor skills all language In a child.
  • Number 2 is any traumatic experiences in their life.
  • Number 3 is psychological disorders which include anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder.
  • Number four is behaviour disorder such as conduct disorders.
  • Number 5 is when there are medical conditions including thyroid problems, neurological conditions, sleep disorders and so on.

Apart from all these things, there are certain positive traits with ADD children. ADD children are usually very creative children. ADD children are very flexible to the social environment. Number 3 is there enthusiastic and spontaneous to the action. Number 4 is they have a high energy drive to take on their life situations. ADD is not related to intelligence as it is far away from that because many ADD children are far more intelligent than others. Now what are the parenting trip to that need to be followed to manage this type of a children. Effective parenting we mean it's not the bad behaviour of the parent but it is an effective behaviour from the parents to the child. It requires open communication from the child towards parents. It requires more structuring. Parents it requires more love and affection from the parent to the child.

If all these been given during the parenting an ADD child can overcome with this issue of the problem if you are wanting to concern more in detail about this type of any issues related to the children you can consult me online and offline through lybrate.

Problems Related to Insomnia
Problems Related to Insomnia

Here are some problems related to insomnia

Problems Related to Insomnia
Hi! I’m Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, a Psychologist, practicing in Noida.
Today, let’s understand What is Insomnia? Insomnia is nothing but the lack of sleep but that leads to, at times, in an individual’s stress and depression also.
What are the causes of insomnia? There are certain causes of insomnia-

  •  Mainly, it is due to mental disturbances.
  •  Any type of a body pain, uncomfortable weather, or the surrounding also leads to insomnia.
  • Maybe, improper digestion, constipation, some disease, eating irregularity habits also leads to insomnia.

There are certain symptoms of insomnia.

  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability in our behavior.
  • Problem in concentration, attention or a memory.
  • Poor performance at our school or at work.
  • Daytime sleepiness.
  • Aggression or impulsiveness in our behavior.
  • Lack of energy or the motivation.
  •  frustration about our own sleep.

Now, how do we get treated while sitting at our place?

  •  Do regular exercise but not late in the evenings.
  •  Avoid caffeine in all forms after your lunch time.
  • Avoid taking naps during the day time.
  •  Have a nice long warm bath before you sleep.
  •  Try to drink warm buffalo milk with the honey in it before you go to sleep.
  •  Keep your room away from all the electronic gadgets.

There are certain other things that need to be done.

If you want to consult me online or offline, you can consult me through Lybrate.

Understand the Term of Depression
Understand the Term of Depression

Here are some tips related to Depression.

Understand the term Depression
Hi! I’m Dr. Priyanka Srivastava, a Psychologist, practicing in Noida.
Today, let’s understand the term depression. Depression is nothing but a psychological condition that can drain your energy, drive and hope from your life. The things that you once rejoiced may not be pleasurable anymore.

Meanwhile, it is not a simple and an easy way to move out from depression. You need to consult a counseling psychologist or a counselor or a therapist to overcome the symptoms of depression. Yet at the same time, there are certain things you need to avoid and you need to follow when you are moving in this state of depression.

So, There are four things that you need to avoid during this state of depression.

  • Avoid staying alone-  Whenever we are in this depression mode, we generally do not want to interact with the people, do not want to move into the social situations but we recommend that you should move into the social situation so that the feeling of loneliness is being taken care of.
  •  Avoid not seeking help-  Avoid not seeking help means that you need to consult a therapist or a counseling psychologist who will help you to overcome with these symptoms of depression either through online or an offline mode of consultation.
  •  Avoid white foods or processed foods-  Now white foods or the processed foods, they are generally simple carbohydrates that can actually lead to insulin dumping and trigger the process of depression.

Lastly, the products of aspartame.
Aspartame is nothing but an artificial sugar. Eating aspartame can increase the density of depression symptoms and may result in insomnia as well.

Now, What are the things we need to follow during this depression mode?

  •  We need to consume more of omega-3 fatty acids in our diet-  For the vegetarians, we can include flaxseeds, broccoli, in our diet. For non-vegetarians, we can include fish, or fish cod liver oil
  •  Get involved in social settings-  Getting involved in social settings will surely help you move out from this state of depression.
  •  Fix your daily routine-  Fixing the daily routine will help you; motivate you to move out again from this state of depression.
  •  Be positive and be open to the new ideas-  Have a positive thinking then, surely you will come out from this state of mind, and be open to the ideas from the social gathering.

For any other consultation, regarding this depression, you can consult me through Lybrate online and offline mode.

Doable Ways to Control Your ANGER and Not Let it Control You!
Doable Ways to Control Your ANGER and Not Let it Control You!

I am Dr Priyanka Srivastava We know that anger is a type of emotion and it’s a natural emotion. But if it doesn’t be managed in appropriate time, it will hamper our day-to-day life situations. So, today let’s understand what are the important tips that need to be followed to manage anger.

  • First, is Practice Deep Breathing. When we practice deep breathing, it relaxes our muscles and we divert our mind and our anger reduces down.
  • Secondly, you should start reverse counting from 0 to 1. When we start reverse counting, surely our mind diverts and again our muscles loosen down and we might change our thoughts from anger to happiness also.
  • Thirdly, we need to focus on the present. When we focus on the present, we follow our past and the situations in which we are entering anger. If we do not mix the past with the present, surely the anger will be lowered down.
  • We need to listen to the music of our choice. If we switch to the music, we surely again lower down the muscles and anger will slow down.
  • We need to change the situation. If we change the situation, again, the muscles will lower down and we will be reducing the anger in our thoughts.
  • Lastly, as muscles are important, we need to relax our tightened muscles. While relaxing our tightened muscles, we need to do some small exercises like the movement of our fingers and movement of our head so that the tightened muscles towards our forehead and our hands again loosen down.

So, by these simple six tips you surely can manage the anger in our day-to-day life because as we are not able to manage we might hamper our close relationships, we might hamper our relationships at work and at home also.

Doctor in Mind Mappers Clinic

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Doctor in Mind Mappers Clinic


Dr. Priyanka Srivastava

Psychologist34 Years Exp.
B.A.(H)Psychology, M.A.Psychology, Ph. D - Psychology
₹ 1,500 at clinic
Unavailable Today

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Jul 02, 2017

I was suffering from stress and It was affecting my day to day life. My father took me to Dr Priyanka. She is a well experienced psychologist. She helped me to get rid this problem. She took number of counselling sessions and after all the sessions, I am perfectly more


Mannu Kumar

Dec 29, 2016

Dr. Priyanka Srivastava provides answers that are very helpful. Thanks for your support.. actually here is no one with whom we can share this...

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