The gastrointestinal system starts from the oral cavity and ends at the anus where undigested food is eliminated from the body. The esophagus, small intestine, large intestine and rectum along with organs like salivary glands, pancreas, liver and more
The stomach is a hollow sac which is made up of muscles, and it is connected to the esophagus at its top, and the first section of the small intestine at its bottom. The stomach's main function is to break down solid food by using stomach acid ( more
Peptic Ulcers are sores that develop in the lining of a stomach, small intestine or lower oesophagus. They usually crop as a result of inflammation caused by bacteria and also due to erosion from stomach acids. Peptic Ulcers affecting the stomach more
Diarrhea is a condition wherein you suffer from loose, watery bowel movements on a frequent basis, generally 3-4 times a day. This lasts for a few days and due to the frequency of fluid loss, it results in dehydration. Dehydrations signs begin to more
Living with ulcerative colitis can be very challenging. Patients of this disease will have to deal with pain in the abdomen and several digestion related issues in their daily lives. It is known to adversely impact the digestive tract. There can more