Prakruti Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic
Ayurvedic Doctor Clinic
About Clinic
Our goal is to provide a compassionate professional environment to make your experience comfortable. Our staff is friendly, knowledgable and very helpful in addressing your health and more
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Doctor in Prakruti Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic
Doctor in Prakruti Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic
Patient Review Highlights
Prakruti Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic Reviews
He is having thorough knowledge regarding his subjects . He also have keen observation towards his patients with detail study.
Jan 31, 2018I found the answers provided by the Dr. Sammeer Bbhale to be knowledgeable. The answer has been very helpful to me but i would appreciate it more if the answer have been more informative and supported with more
Chirali Vejani
Dec 16, 2017I found the answers provided by the Dr. Sameer Bhale to be knowledgeable and very helpful. Thank you so much for your suggestion, will try that for a while and will consult you if required... thanks once again! more