6 years ago
TIPS TO TAKE CARE OF ACNE PRONE SKIN: 1) Keep your face clean by washing at least twice daily. Always use a mild, gentle facewash/cleanser by gently massaging in circula ...read full answer
Male • 21 Year Old • Mar 07, 2018
Hi sir, I am suffering from a lot of pimples can you suggest some remedies hoping your replay.
6 years ago
TIPS TO TAKE CARE OF ACNE PRONE SKIN: 1) Keep your face clean by washing at least twice daily. Always use a mild, gentle facewash/cleanser by gently massaging in circula ...read full answer
Female • 36 Year Old • Dec 23, 2017 • Mapusa
I gave zentel suspension syrup to 3 and half year old child of mine and now after 12 hours she is itching and getting red rashes on skin what should I do now please sugg ...read more
7 years ago
Clean the baby with plain water wear loose clothes to baby lacto calamine lotion is safe to be applied all over body if rash worsens take baby to a pediatrician.
Male • 18 Year Old • Dec 16, 2017 • Tirupati
I have severe acne and pimples .Some bubble like structures are formed under skin. I have severe dandruff problem and I have oily skin.
7 years ago
Pimples why do i get them seventy percent of all of us had pimples in our youth. It is not a disease and hence we need to understand them well to curb them down heridity ...read full answer
Microdermabrasion is a device produce high-pressure suction on the skin. It uses dermal abrasion with suction in order to remove the top layer of the skin, where dead skin cells lie. Facial redness after each abrasion is normal (the redness should......read more