What is the quickest way to heal a cut on Penis?
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Dear user. I can understand. Sex is enjoyable. However, there are occasions where the sex is no longer pleasurable, like when the male develops a cut on his penis during or after sexual intercourse. this cut should have been caused by dryness inside the vagina. Do not worry. Keep the area neat and clean and just apply some olive oil. Do not go for sex for a week.Let it heel. Take care.
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Apply soframycin ointment over affected area twice a day.
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A small cut can be treated with basic first aid for cuts: 1. Wash your hands. 2. Put a bandage or clean piece of cloth over the cut to stop any bleeding. 3. Use clean water to wash out the cut. Clean the area around your cut with soap. Don?t get soap in the cut. 4. Use an ointment with antibiotics to moisten the area around the cut. 5. Use a bandage or gauze dressing with medical tape to cover the cut. Change the bandage or dressing once daily. A cut will heal in a few days and is treatable at home if it?s not too big. Larger cuts may take a week or more to heal. Infected cuts may require medical attention. See your doctor if your cut doesn?t heal right away or the cut and any associated symptoms get worse.
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