Hello doctor, I am having a pain across my chest. It's feels like cramped pain. Whenever I stretch or move my hands upwards it cramps. I can't understand why is it happening? Is it due to acidity or anything else? Please suggest me what to do doctor. Thanks in advance.
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Dear lybrateuser, - Your pain could be due to muscular or other soft tissue problems - avoid exertion, bending, lifting weight till pain subsides - do hot fomentation three times a day of the affected area - apply pain relief gel three times a day - take a pain relief tablet after meals if pain is more - do x- ray chest to rule out any other problem.
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Dear lybrate-user The pain is likely due to muscular cramps aggravated by vaata or gas. Apply Maruveaan oil, warm on the entire front and back of your chest/arms/back for a few days. Take castor oil purgative to flush all toxins from your digestive track. Watch your posture Regards.
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