Hello, I am sweating a lot (a bit more from my fore Head and hairs n the total head area) is that a symptom for any heath disorder. Even I feel very nervous and tired after that and I feel like sitting under the fan n resting for some time. Some times I feel my dizzying. What should I do. I Have a bp 130/85. Can it be thyroid type problems or something else please suggest.
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lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. It is better if you get a thyroid assay done, that will give an idea if there is any problem present or not. Looking at your weight and height the BMI is 32.57 kgs/M2 (Normal <23 kgs), showing grade 1 obesity. This could also be the reason for excess sweating. Also get your blood glucose test done. Thanks.
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Excessive sweating could be due to 1.Anxiety, nervousness 2 Obesity, Diabetes, hyper thyroidism, Tuberculosis, Gout, 3. Due to effect of some anti hypertensive and psychiatric drugs 4. Investigate yourself to rule out these diseases 5.Avoid anxiety ,nervousness, tea/coffee, alcohol, spicy food, chocolate etc 6.Try some anti antiperspirant lotion or roll on. 7.Consult skin specialist for advice?
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