Please specify both the natural and medical ways to improve sperm quality and quantity ,is it possible to conceive naturally with a sperm count of 14 million/ml and low morphology.
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You want to improve sperms quality and quantity. I advice you to take proper balanced vegetarian diet. Take 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to detoxify body. Take fruits and vegetables in daily diet. Do meditation for mental strength daily. No, it is not possible to conceive with 14 millions sperms count. For better guidance and natural, safe and permanent treatment to increase sperms count, consult privately.
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Dear lybrate user. Sperm Count. 40 million to 300 million is the normal range for the number of sperm per milliliter. Counts below 10 million are considered poor; counts of 20 million or more may be fine if motility and morphology are normal. 1. Avoid overheating your testicles. There's a reason our testicles rest outside our bodies: they need to stay a bit cooler than the rest of our internal organs. When testicles get too warm, they aren't able to produce as much sperm. There are a number of ways to make sure your testicles don't get overheated: Don't wear tight pants and jeans. Wear loose, cotton boxer shorts instead of briefs. Sleep without underwear so that your testicles stay cooler. Avoid hot baths and saunas. 2. Wear a jockstrap when you play sports. It goes without saying, because most men know this from experience, but a blow to the balls will hurt you and kill your sperm. 3. Massage your body with herbal oils. This, along with regular exercise, improves overall blood flow and circulation. Increased circulation means healthier sperm. 4. Reduce stress levels. Stress can decrease your sexual function, leading to reduced sperm production. If you work 12 plus hour days and never give yourself a chance to rest, your count might be down as a result. Try practicing relaxation techniques throughout the day to keep you feeling calm. Keep your mind and body healthy by regularly practicing yoga and meditation, or take up running or swimming. Stress hormones block Leydig cells, which are tasked with regulating testosterone production. When your body experiences too much stress, it can actually stop producing sperm altogether. Make sure you're getting enough sleep every night. Exhaustion can also lead to increased stress and cause decreased sperm production. 5. Stop smoking. Smoking cigarettes causes sperm counts to be lower, makes them move more slowly, and causes the sperm themselves to be misshapen. 6. Drink alcohol moderately. Alcohol affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a dramatic spike in estrogen levels. 7. Ejaculate less frequently. Frequent ejaculations can lower sperm count. Your body produces millions of sperm each day, but if you already have low sperm count, consider storing them up longer between ejaculations. If you have sex or masturbate daily, cut down on the frequency for increased sperm production. 8. Be careful around toxins. Exposure to chemicals can affect the size, movement and count of your sperm. It's more and more difficult to avoid exposure to toxins, but it's absolutely necessary for your overall health and the health of your sperm. Do the following to decrease your exposure: If you work around chemicals all day long, protect your skin with long sleeves and gloves, and make sure you wear a mask and goggles to protect your face. Use natural cleaning supplies instead of cleaning with chemicals. Don't use pesticides or herbicides in your house or yard. 9. Be wary of medications. Certain medications can lead to decreased sperm count and even permanent infertility. If sperm production is a big concern for you, make sure you ask your doctor whether any medication prescribed might affect your sperm count. Look at the labels on over-the-counter medicines, too. 10. Involve in physical exercises. 11. Flax seeds increase testosterone in a man's body. They also contain essential fatty acids that are necessary for maintaining libido. Flax seeds help in the proper release of all sex hormones, facilitating sexual desire. Taking one tablespoon of flax seed every day will ensure your sexual health. Take care.
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