I am a mother of 8 month old daughter. I still didn't know what food to give to increase my baby's immunity and weight. Please suggest any food chart to increase my baby weight and immunity for healthy life?
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Dear lybrate-user, I hope that you are still feeding your baby with your breastmilk. After the baby is six months of age, along with breast milk, please add well mashed boiled vegetables, fruits like banana and cereals like rice and dalia. Start with one item and 4/5 tsf of food and increase the quantity as accepted. Number of feeds can be increased every week till the baby is taking 3 big meals of half of a 200 to 250 ml bowl. By 7 to 8 months of ageDo not add sugar or salt to the food. It is preferable and healthier to give freshly cooked home food rather than use processed tinned food sold ready to use. By the time the baby is 10 to 12 months he can eat all food that the family eats provided it is evenly mashed and soft as baby's grinding teeth have not yet erupted. HAPPY FEEDING!
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