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Many people experience a crackling, grating, or popping sensation when bending the knee. The medical term for this is knee crepitus. Occasional popping or cracking can be normal and is generally considered harmless. However, if the noise occurs regularly and is painful, it may indicate osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or patellar dysfunction. Homoeopathic constitutional treatment is curative for such conditions in minimum dose itself and without any side effects too. You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance
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Hello! Weekness in body n legs many results due to masturbation! And otherwise also addiction to masturbation is not good for your health it may leAds to impotency in future! So avoid masturbation and stop thinking much about sexual topics! Do yoga, prayers, read positive books etc which will calm your mind! And about the sound from knees, do one x ray of both knees! It may b due to deficiency of calcium or any bone related joint problem which can easily corrected with medicine! TC.
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Although your age is too less but is may due to arthritis, check x ray knee and vit d3 calcium ,cbc esr ra test uric acid and crp test. Masturbation has no role donot worry.
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