I am 25 years old and unmarried. My girlfriend 19 years. Uski sat me sex keya problem penis delneka 1 min ka bad sperm out height and penis thick se khara hota neihi. Kavi Kavi night fall vi hota hay. Please sir help me.
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Do kegel exercise and start and stop technique and squeeze method. Eat good veg diet and salads and drink lots of water to detoxify body.
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All medicines have side effects you seem to be very much stressed.(for years stress you must engage in some form or yoga or relaxation/meditation daily) Try this for PE it will help u. Pls note most of the times premature ejaculation (PE) occurs due to speed. We tend to go fast and in the process the sperm comes out sooner that required. Maintain a low speed and keep on taking deep breathes (when you penetrate) and stop for 30 seconds if you feel like ejaculating. U can practise this process while you masturbate, to gain confidence & remember that you need to enjoy the process and keep taking slow deep breathes. I would also suggest you to engage in some form of relaxation or yoga, to relieve your anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is another cause of PE. Engaging more in oral sex, without touching each others' genitals also helps in setting up the relaxation mode. Then you can go for penetration without much anxiety. For erectile dysfunction you can try getting stimulation from years partner, like proper liking or other forms of hand and oral stimulation in case you want a one to one talk with me, pls contact Lybrate for booking an appointment.
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