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Health Tips For Control Of Hair Fall Hair fall is experienced by most individuals in their lifetime. Most of the time hair fall goe unnoticed if the density of hair is good. Patients experience the hair fall though they are taking good diet and infact water intake is normal and even if they do not have any significant systemic disease. 1.Don't go for hair straightening and vigrous heat treatments if you are having hair fall. Its a myth that straightening would prevent hair fall. 2.Cover your hair when you are taking steam, sauana,or hot water bath 3.Treat your hair as a baby and pamper them. Do not use harsh shampoos and soap instead use a mild medicated shampoo and conditioner and infact wash your hair minimum twice in a week 4. Do not comb the hair when they are wet, let them dry a bit before you comb 5. You can oil the hair 1 hr. Before shampooing or washing, no neec to apply oil overnight. 6.Males And females have different pattern of hair loss and needs seperate consideration and treatment. 7. Wash your hair preferrably with luke warm water, avoid using hard water or underground water for washing them. 8.Hair Fall May expose some areas if your scalp, try to change combing pattern and do not tie your hair very tight. 9. Anti hair fall shampoos and serums may be applied after consultation with the dermatologist Hair fall or loss is a multifactorial problem where hereditary along with environmental factors and diet play an important role. Iron deficiency along with essential things like biotin, vitamin A along with other nutrients have a major role to play. Serums,tablets along with specified shampoos and conditioners can also help. Most of the time, this loss is progressive and may take 4-6 months to respond to treatment. Sooner the treatment is started better are the results. Though it's important to understand that some alopecia problems may not respond to best of the treatment modalities .So it's important to consult a good dermatologist on time.
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