Swollen in both the legs. My weight is around 90- Kgs, Height 5.5' and Age 57 years. What treatment I need please advise.
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Hi thanks for your query and welcome to lybrate. I am Dr. Akshay from fortis hospital, new delhi. There are many causes of swelling in the legs. Most common reason is postural and many patients develop it when they stand for a long time, but as soon as they elevate their leg up, the swelling subsides. It can happen after any injury which is a priority to diagnose and treat accordingly. Also there could be infection or inflammation which can lead to swelling. Sometimes heavy physical activity may also lead to swelling in your calf muscles. But we have to look at medical causes as well, chronic cardiac conditions can lead to swelling, any pathology which leads to low proteins in the body like deranged lft, kft etc can also lead to swelling. Hypothyroidism can also lead to generalized swelling like appearance in the body. So for accurate diagnosis we need to clinically evaluate and get appropriate tests: cbc, esr, crp, lft, kft, serum electrolytes and thyroid profile. Please get back to me should you need more information or with test results. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further assistance. You can also discuss your case and treatment plans with me in a greater detail in a private consultation. Thanks & regards
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