On my left hand at the base of the thumb and towards the edge of my finger is aching constantly. On getting an x-ray of the thumb area my orthopedic surgeon reports that I am suffering from osteoarthritis and it is a degenerative process which can not be cured and I should depend upon pain killers through out my life. I am aged 75 years without any health ailments like B.p./diabetics and heart problems. I am strict vegetarian and a regular walker covering 10000 steps and walking 5 miles a day and also doing yoga and meditation early in the morning. My diet consists of green leaves, vegetables of all varieties fruits, nuts, milk, honey and wheat. Can you suggest me any remedy for my ailment. Thanks in advance.
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Not sure if he has talked about carpometacarpal arthritis or osteoarthritis of thumb base joint? There are better options - Use of a splint like thumb spica spint (can see on amazon) - Injecting involved joint with steroid (safe and usually effective) - Hand therapists may be able to suggest wax baths and other exercise (occupational therapists - OT) OT specialists also helps to suggest good mesures on hand funtions to minimise pain USe of a gel like volini twice day might be hepful use of painkillers in short courses is not bad, effeective and decreases any inflammation Sometimes pain might appear to be due to osteoarthritis, but there might be other causes being missed Depending on various scenarios and diagnosis treatment plan can be formed Take a second opinion and if possible consult a rheumatologist best wishes
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