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hello lybrate User, its an inflammation of cartilage (soft bone) which connect the rid to sternum.take homeopathic treatment for costocondritis. it's very safe, natural and highly effective treatment for musculoskeletal and inflammatory conditions. It is a holistic way of treatment, homeopathic medicine is selected individually on the basis of thorough details of patient, like medical history, causes, routine, temperament etc..; such well selected medicine gives complete cure without any side effects. Message back for online homeopathic consultation. �
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Dear Ms. lybrate-user, I can understand what you are going through. Costochondritis can only be diagnosed if the treating doctor has a very high degree of suspicion for the problem. Doing hot fomentation 2-3 times a day followed by some good analgesic gel may help you. If the problem is more & is disturbing you very much then I would suggest that you get in touch with orthopaedic surgeon who may advise you some injection. I hope this helps you.
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