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I'm 27 and I stammer. Since my childhood I used to stammer and also taken to speech therapist it is reduced to great extent but still now for some words I stammer its humiliating to me please suggest some exercise or what should I do?
2Doctors Answered
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Hello. lybrate-user Stammering is a dysflency problem which is due to lack of confidence and a fear to speak in different situations. The fear attached to speak might have developed from childhood or due to a fast rate of Speech or due to corrections done by others and thus causing a negative experience.
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You need to work on your confidence. You must be knowing the words, you stutter on. Do not switch the word if you know you are going to stutter on that word. Also, do not avoid the situations in which there is a chance of stuttering. Start practicing all the exercises again which your therapist taught.
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