I have been suffered in piles with fishers for 4 years.in between I had operated by Dr. in my painful place. 6th month I was better. But now it is started. please help me.
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What you have to understand is any surgery for piles and fissure should be followed up with healthy lifestyle and dietary changes lifelong other wise there is a chance for the problem to reoccur I am not sure whether your Dr. provided the correct advice or you did not follow .either of them or both of them could have occurred Eat high-fiber foods. Increase fluid intake do not sit for long hours Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Doing so softens the stool and increases its bulk, which will help you avoid the straining that can worsen symptoms from existing hemorrhoids. Add fiber to your diet slowly to avoid problems with gas. Avoid cows milk reduce animal products keep moving and exercising go to the specialist General surgeon and get examined.
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Hi Piles can be troublesome .it can cause bleeding and pus discharge .Consult for complete details Conservative measures like sitting in warm water ,taking high fibre diet - fruits and vegetables and salads, taking allopathic /homeopathic medicines will relive your problem temporarily. Definitive treatment is surgical management .laser treatment is 10 min ,painless procedure .no post op dressings are required .it causes least tissue damage .it will give you permanent relief from your problems .we at Gurgoan do laser treatment for piles /fistula /fissure /pilonidal sinus and varicose veins .you can also contact me through Lybrate.
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