I am very confused now I am planning breast implant surgery I visited clinic Dr. said me 200 cc to 235 Cc and I visited the another Dr. to take second opinion but he said 285 300 now I am very confused.
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The size of implant totally depends on you. A simple method to get the idea is to get the bra size you want become after augmentation. Put it on and fill it on each side with balloons of large size with water in it. The amount of water needed on each side to fill. The bra gives a rough estimate of the implant you will need. There are also software to show you how you will. Look after augmentation with different size implants, but it will cost you approximately 5000 Rs at my clinic.
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1 cup size is about 200 ml. Thats how the cup size is calculated. What is your dezire is what matters. Breast Enlargement is one of the most frequently performed surgeries and we are the premier center in central India since last 30 years. To the best of our knowledge no medicines or creams work to increase the breast Size. Enlargement can be done with fat grafting or silicone breast implants. Breast enlargement. Silicone implants are the gold standard world over, very short operative procedure with very gratifying results. The creams and capsules have never actually worked, but since every one is not immediately ready for surgery so the companies use these gimmicks to market their products. If there is lack of substance then augmentation with a silicone implant is the best choice and a gold standard procedure. It is a day care procedure and you are discharge in a very short time from the hospital and it brings about an instant change in breast size and self esteem. Almost 10 crore implants are in use and so it is extremely safe. There is no medication to give the results. No one wants surgery unless it is necessary. NO Creams or Pills actually work except psychologically. Surgery is the only answer. Like nose or face breast also comes in all shapes and sizes. Size does not matter from functional point of view but has an emotional side to it. The surgery is almost painless because there are enough medications to keep the pain under control. There is no natural way to increase Breast size, except that after child birth the size may become and remain bigger. NO food or allopathic medicine or exercise can make the breast grow. Those who are serious about enlargement go for silicone or fat implant surgery.
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Hello, The decision of implants is for the client to take doctors role is to advice. There are a few things you need to know while choosing implant. The base width which is the width of the implant this is dependent on how broad your chest is. The projection or height of implant which gives the anterior projection so the implant come as low, medium, high and xtra high profile. And last the volume. Eg 300 cc implant with base width 12 cm and medium profile may give only 2 cm projection but the same 300 cc base width 10.5 with high profile may give 3.5 cm projection. So you need to understand the basics of implant selection only then you and surgeon can agree upon the expectation and results.
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