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My baby is 8 months old and has recently started to stand on his own. Also he plays a lot in baby walker. Since this time around he is not sleeping well at night. I give him leg massage every night but he wakes up every hour and can only be consoled after bottle feeding, nothing else works. I am afraid m over feeding him since he finishes 150 ml milk per hour. My doc suggested to give him crocin 240 as paracetamol coz maybe he is not sleeping well as his muscles pain a lot. He has been sleeping well since 2 days when I give him crocin 1 ml at night. How can I make sure of any side effects of crocin?
2Doctors Answered
87% (106 ratings)
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You should try homeopathic medicine Rx- Cina 30 1 drops weekly for one month.
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92% (2080 ratings)
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I think this is the problem of using artificial walkers to make the child to attain milestones early. Normally child should walk at 13 months. I think child is overstraining the muscles. You can give some calcium preparation. The dose of paracetamol is max 15 mg per kg body weight .The dose is slightly more to his age.
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