Hey, I have slightly curved penis and was curious to find the ways to straighten it, thus I started to do some online research. I found that traction devices are very useful to encounter this issue. Unfortunately I could find any place to buy them thus wanted to ask you for some suggestions. Moreover am curious if you have some other suggestion besides traction device.
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Hello dear Lybrate user, hi Warm welcome to Lybrate.com I have evaluated your query thoroughly. Traction devices will spoil your future sex life by its grave consequences. Forget this issue as a dream and start thinking different as any slightly curved penis does not require to become straight to enter in vagina, vagina accomodates minor to moderate penis bending easily. Hope this clears your query. Wishing you fine recovery. Welcome for any further assistance at my private URL https://www.Lybrate.com/gandhinagar/doctor/dr-bhagyesh-patel-general-surgeon Regards take care.
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You are suffering from Peynoire's disease. Due to fibrous plaque deposition on that side of penis. Penis bent to left side. But, No worries, its self resolving in most cases. Also you can concern with us, if you want fast result. We provide therapies as well as ayurvedic medicines. You can contact us on We will concern and later on we can deliver medicines.
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