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lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. I am sure your gynecologist must have already briefed about the trimester specific TSH levels. Because during gestation it is recommended that TSH should be preferably maintained within those specified limits. Like: 1st Trimester: 0.1 to 2.5 mU/L, 2nd Trimester: 0.1 to 3.0 mU/L & 3rd Trimester 0.3 to 3.0 mU/L. Therefore, 4.72 is high. But I am not sure whether starting Thyroxine can benefit now. You may consult the concerned doctor. Thanks.
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The new recommendations for TSH levels during pregnancy are the following: First trimester: less than 2.5 with a range of 0.1-2.5 Second trimester: 0.2-3.0 Third trimester: 0.3-3.0. Your physician will adjust the dosages of thyroxine so that TSH it is within the normal limits We understand your concern, please be under the guidance of your physician & gynaecologist.
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