I am 27 and have a very sensitive penis head, due to which I ejaculate in few seconds during sex, same issue while masturbating. Penis stays hard during entire foreplay I.e up to an hour or so but when stimulated with touch it simply cannot handle the sensitivity. History:- it's only 1 year back I was able to retract penis foreskin (). However still my penis head is very sensitive and during sex I ejaculate withing few seconds. Same issue while masturbating. Is there some safe method to reduce sensitivity? I already tried rubbing gently while bath etc. It helped but still sensitivity is there which makes me cum sooner. So looking some other methods. Over internet there r some ayurvedic oil which serve the purpose .when applied to penis. Are they effective and safe? E.g. Ksheerabala tail. Is this safe. Please help. I am bit stressed
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There may be local anesthetic gel for applying on penis. However the use of this is not good and you will have many health issues .In some cases, therapy for premature ejaculation may involve taking simple steps, such as masturbating an hour or two before intercourse so that you're able to delay ejaculation during sex. You may try avoiding intercourse for a period of time and focusing on other types of sexual play so that pressure is removed from your sexual encounters. You can also try diverting your mind before ejaculation is ready to come and proceeding after a brief break, thereby prolonging duration of intercourse / action The pause-squeeze technique You and your partner can use of a method called the pause-squeeze technique. This method works as follows: 1.Begin sexual activity as usual, including stimulation of the penis, until you feel almost ready to ejaculate. 2.Have your partner squeeze the end of your penis, at the point where the head (glans) joins the shaft, and maintain the squeeze for several seconds, until the urge to ejaculate passes. 3.After the squeeze is released, wait for about 30 seconds, then go back to foreplay. You may notice that squeezing the penis causes it to become less erect, but when sexual stimulation is resumed, it soon regains full erection. 4.If you again feel you're about to ejaculate, have your partner repeat the squeeze process. By repeating this as many times as necessary, you can reach the point of entering your partner without ejaculating. After a few practice sessions, the feeling of knowing how to delay ejaculation may become a habit that no longer requires the pause-squeeze technique. Topical anaesthetics Anaesthetic creams and sprays that contain a numbing agent, such as lidocaine or procaine, are sometimes used to treat premature ejaculation. These products are applied to the penis a short time before sex to reduce sensation and thus help delay ejaculation. A lidocaine spray for premature ejaculation is available Although topical anaesthetic agents are effective and well-tolerated, they have potential side effects. For example, some men report temporary loss of sensitivity and decreased sexual pleasure. In some cases, female partners also have reported these effects. In rare cases, lidocaine or procaine can cause an allergic reaction.
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