I am 27 years old unmarried girl. Sometimes I feel little bit heavy in my left breast and sometimes feels sharp pain in breathing in left side near left breast. I feel something little bit hard when I press my left breast do not know it's some kind of muscles or what but didn't find other changes on breast. Is it sign cancer?
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Dear lybrate-user, You can get a USG of the breast to know about the lump. Monthly self breast examination will help you to differentiate the lump. It has to be done on the 7th day of the periods/ menstruation cycle.
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A lump in the breast which is new is a significant finding. Please show to a Breast surgeon or a Surgical oncologist. They would examine you and if need be ask for an ultrasound and if suspicious then do a core biopsy (preferred) or FNAC. Heaviness in Breast’s is quite common due to hormonal changes in premenopausal women. Catch in breathing is usually a sign of costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the joint between rib and breast bone. But may be seen in pleural inflammation, but usually associated with other symptoms like fever. Breast lump could be due to a number of causes The benign causes are: lumpy breasts due to breast tissue with fibroadenosis, fibroadenoma, cysts, galactocele, intra ductal papilloma, abscess, traumatic fat necrosis. The malignant causes are: phylloides tumor, DCIS, Cancer. Although cancer is less common at age of 28, but not unknown. We need examination, imaging and Biopsy to confirm the same. If you still have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact me.
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