I masturbate at least once in a day. It has started since I was in grade 8. Now I'm in college, How will this affect my penis and sexual life? Is there any way I can stop this completely.
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Hello, Masturbation, thrice a week be healthy but frequent attempts to it be hazardous� to your health in future. It causes, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction & impotency with� curvature of penile -shaft affecting your married life in future.? You lose vital fluid from your body practicing masturbation, frequently making you week with lack of� concentrarion, general weakness with black ring under eyes. ?Go for meditation to reduce your urge to masturbate keeping your nerves calm� to sustain withdrawal syndrome of masturbation, fast,if any. You should� quit this injurious habit as soon as possible in order to father a baby, in future. Tk,� homoeopathic medicine. @ AshawagandhaQ -10 drops,� thrice with little water. Avoid, junkfood,� alcohol & nicotine. Tk,� care.
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It will improve your sexual life and make you sexually active for long. Masturbation is a very healthy form of sexual outlet, do not feel guilty about it. Once or twice a day is very much normal. Nearly 99% of men and more than 60% of women masturbate. It starts from adolescence and goes on in some people even till death. The pleasure (orgasm) from masturbation is said to be unique from sexual intercourse. In men, most of the liquid contains only water and some fructose and hormones. Hence it does not drain your energy. Many equate masturbation/ seminal fluid loss to lack of energy, impotency and so on. Many quacks, religious heads and pseudo healers also propagate the idea that masturbation is a disorder/ and wrongful behaviour and instil fear on the mind of innocent men and women (we can see posters in train and bus stand, offering help for this behaviour). Consult a psychiatrist, if you have excessive masturbation guilt or compulsive masturbation. Compulsive masturbation is when a person continues with frequent masturbation neglecting his/ her other work like education, job or social obligations. In fact masturbation reduces the sexual tension and helps focus on task at hand better.
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