Sir how can I increase my breast size? please suggest the best effective way. Can protein powder increase breast size? If yes please suggest protein powder and other ways to increase breast size?
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Hello mam. There are certain workouts which definitely increases the prominence of the breasts by putting up some muscular bulk beneath it. But might take longer than you expected. Few of the massages also do increase the size, but very slowly and steadily and only upto few extent. Very few people are aware about the surgeries which can help you gain the required size and shape with very minimal side effects. Such as the simple mammoplasty, fat grafting or implants. You can text me online through this site for more details or visit my clinic.
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Breast consists of breast tissue and fat. The genetic make up of each person determines the size of the breasts. The breast tissue is responsive to the hormonal stimulus, hence there is increase in the size of breast during pregnancy, lactating, premenstrual period, due to OC Pills and HRT. The progesterone temporarily increases the breast size and has protective effect on breast cancer as seen with pregnancy. Estrogen has lasting effects on the breast tissue but also increases density of breast which not only increases the risk of cancer but also causes difficulty in detecting the breast cancers by mammogram. There are various oils, protein powders and massages advertised for increasing the size of breast, but I have never seen any of them working. One thing that works is pectoral exercise, which increases the bulk of the underlying muscle, causing prominence of the overlying breast. It increases the cup size from A cup to may be A+ or B. If you want significant increase in size the options are lipofilling, but requires you to undergo the surgery multiple times and also only modest increase in size occurs. The second option is implants which is the most commonly performed procedure for breast augmentation worldwide. If you want to discuss this further, feel free to contact me for the same.
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