I am suffering from ring worm at private parts (redness) about three months and I have tried various types of tablets specially itroncozole 200 mg and cream clobeta GM .How to get rid this.
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Ringworm or Tinea infections, are a fungal skin disease. A family of fungi called dermatophytes causes these infections which might occur anywhere on the body, typically the arms, legs, neck, groin, scalp, hair, nails or beard. The fungi survive on the dead skin cells or keratin and rarely invade the deeper membranes and tissues. However, many ringworm (or Tinea) infections often recur and the usual medicines simply do not help the patient. Homoeopathic constitutional treatment will give you a permanent cure You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services
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Stop it. Specific medicine required. Fungal infection. Also called jock itch, when occurs in groin. Usually fungal infection is common in moist areas of body like skin folds. It's mostly circular or round in appearance. May be red or black in colour. Treatment depending on the type and severity. Avoid sharing clothes, towels and soap; sweating also increases it. As it has to be differentiated from eczema, bacterial and viral infection, doctor need to see to confirm the diagnosis. So, meet me in my clinic or do direct online consultation by sending photos for detailed information and medicine for treatment.
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