How much time one should expose himself in sun and how one get skin cancer from sun I expose myself during 9 am to 9: 30 am I am getting moles on my face is due to sunlight thanks.
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Hello, Each person is differently sensitive to sun exposure. But prolonged exposure can cause skin cancer in elderly and fair skin. A young male is unlikely to get cancer due to sun exposure. But sun exposure can cause DPN, pigmentation and skin ageing. Use a sunscreen before sun exposure.
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Use a sun protection screen if you are staying in sun for a long time. The chances of skin cancer is quite low in Indiana because of the dark skin with melanin, which provides protection from the same. See a dermatologist for the moles, which he would examine and Biopsy if any suspicious changes of melanoma like ulceration. Feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss this further.
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