I can feel something jelly kinda tubular structure in my testis I don't know if It's a swollen epididymitis or hernia it can't be hernia because is on both the sides and the balls are kinda free and I had testis discomfort one day after partially masturbating but not completely and the epididymitis and the nerves kinda stuff connecting it is swollen and I'm freaked of need help.
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There may be myriad of provisional diagnosis based on your histroy. Rather than speculating what it can be, I will suggest you to undergo USG of scrotum for a definitive diagnosis. Then we can have a clear idea about the pathology and suggest specific treatment if required.
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Hello- You might be palpating epididymis (a highly convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens.) which is absolutely normal. Don't get over anxious as its normal body structure. If still having doubts, better go for a testicular ultrasound before starting any medication.
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Dear don't worry about your testicular problem if you want permanently curing your problem I advise you USG SCROTUM than we will completely Diagnose about your testicl disorder and than treating and you will cure. OK dear.
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Hello dear Lybrate user, hi Warm welcome to Lybrate.com I have evaluated your query thoroughly. I think you are freaking out by palpating normal physiologic structures of the body. Just relax for 4-5 days without thinking or palpating it much. And later if anxiety persist, then take ultrasound for your mental relief, I am sure report will turn out normal sir Hope this clears your query. Wishing you fine recovery. Welcome for any further assistance at my private URL https://www.Lybrate.com/gandhinagar/doctor/dr-bhagyesh-patel-general-surgeon Regards take care.
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