I have multiple painful cysts in my both breasts .doctor prescribe me sevista30 alternative days for 30 Days .kindly tell me right time to take this medicine for its full effect.
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Most likely you were suffering from cyclical mastalgia which may or may not be accompanied by fibrocystic disease. It is cyclical pain due to hormonal stimulation of the breast tissue. It may resolve spontaneously with pregnancy. Reassurance and supportive sports bra (especially in large breasts) have shown to be effective in most women. Usually Vitamin E 400 mg 2-3 capsule daily or/ and Evening Primrose Oil 3000 mg daily Containing 240-360 mg GLA which comes to 4-6 capsules per day is the initial amount prescribed for 2-3 months. If response is good then the dose may be decreased for 3 more months and then stopped. The symptoms may never recur. But relapses are also known. If there is no response to above, then we usually shift to Danazole, Bromocriptine or SERM (tamoxifen or ormeloxifen) Bromocriptine is costly and causes nausea, vomiting and headache. Danazole has troublesome androgenic side effects. Tamoxifen is known to cause DVT or cataract but usually for long term or higher dose of 20 mg as is given for breast cancer patients. We recommend 10 mg daily for 3 months, which usually does not have side effects. Ormeloxifen is the indian drug previously called centchroman or Saheli. It is usually given as 30 mg daily or alternate day schedule. Some patients may develop ovarian cysts on daily schedule. It works well with non cyclical as well as cyclical mastalgia. Thus, the ideal recommendation is to continue Sevista 30 (ormeloxifen) alternate day for 3 months. You can take it any time, but better to take it in either morning or night. If you need further clarification, feel free to contact me directly.
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