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I am having stomach ache since last 2 months, I was admit in hospital for 10 days but in endoscopy, CT scan all was normal except fatty liver. Im having pain on upper abdomen, on left side and even on lower and right abdomen at times. Cause can't be identified Dr. said may be it can be due to acidity. I have been operated for major colostomy operation in 1990 when I was 2 days old and since then I never had prob. I got pain again so doctor advised me to go for mri scan. I don't have any other reports now. Mri of abdomen and pelvis shows: Mild hepatomegaly noted with diffuse fatty liver 18.8 Cm Focal severe thinning of right rectum muscle at paraumbilical region? Post op changes with ileal loop seen adherent to posterior surface of abdominal scar. No bowel loop dilation seen. Small umbilical hernia seen containing omental fat with defect measure 8.0 mm. Sgot -84, sgpt-176, total bilirubin-1.9, direct-1.3. Please advice if it can be treated from medicine or have to be operated and how severe it is. Thanks.
1Doctor Answered
91% (1443 ratings)
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Take Homeopathy medicine for best results 1) Chelidonium Q. 15 drops in half cup of warm water. 3 times a day for 7 days See the results and contact me for Follow up. Thanks.
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