A 40 years old lady named abi she has thyroid fr the past 12 years. And now she s operated fr cyst formation in uterus .so that her uterus was removed 2 years back .6 months .aftr the surgery she has developed diabetes type-2.her sugar levels are keep on increasing and decreasing .Now she is under medication and diet control. Now tell me how to decrease her sugar levels to normal.
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Follow strict diabetic diet. Take small frequent meals instead of larege ones. Exercise regularly. Remain physically active. Reduce weight of overweight and maintain ideal weight for height. Take medicines as advised. Monitor blood sugar regularly.
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You should definitely start regular brisk walks and diet control. Also keep a strict watch on thyroid control and dosage. Inspite of strict diet control and medication if the sugar levels are not under control, Metabolic surgery is a very valid option which will help not only in control but in remission of type 2 diabetes. Certain blood tests however need to be done to qualify for the surgery.
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